How You Met|Ethan

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"Oh pleeeeease can we go on the dodgems?!" Your friend begged, pulling on your arm in the direction of the bumper cars.

You were currently at some sort of amusement park which your friends had to drag you to. You liked them but they weren't your favourite thing. You weren't too fond of the roller coasters and the thing you hated most was the bumper cars. Your friend knew that so why she was pulling you into the line confused you.

"Emily you know I hate them!" You squealed as she tugged you into place. From the length of the line you knew that as soon as this ride was over, you would be next.

"Oh come on don't be such a baby!" She shoved your arm. Emily wasn't the nicest of girls (AN:SORRY IF YOUR NAME IS EMILY!) she did what most people would do playfully as a real thing, so when she shoved your arm, instead of a light nudge she goes for it, you toppled backwards and into a group of boys that were standing behind you.

"Woah!" You heard a load of the boy shout as your body collides with theirs.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm so so sorry" you mumbled, pushing yourself out of the grasp of one of the boys, he had managed to catch you as he was stood directly behind you and you couldn't feel more embarrassed as his arms gripped around your shoulders, hoisting you up.

As you turn around you notice a lot of the boys were apologising, saying they shouldn't have stood so close, some were telling you there was no harm done and if you were okay but one in particular, the one who caught you, had burst out laughing. You felt some colour come to your cheeks as his giggles echoed around the whole park.

Normally, if someone had laughed at your failure, you'd be on the verge of tears but this boys laughter was so contagious and bubbly, you couldn't help but laugh along. The rest of the boys had started to giggle too but this one boys laugh had overpowered the lot!

"Seriously I'm so sorry" you managed to breathe calmly, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped from laughing so hard.

"Don't worry about it, glad I was there to catch you as you fell from heaven" the giggly one quirked an eyebrow as the others groaned at his pickup line, you just laughed harder, forcing you to double over.

After the laughter ceased, the music started to wind down and people started to get out of the cars, a small ball of panic exploded in your stomach and your heart jumped out of your chest. Emily had groaned and lost interest in your conversation with the group of boys, finding none of the events funny but was quick to turn to you when everyone stared leaving.

"Oh come on it's not that bad" she looked at you as if you were insane for finding it so bad making a hurt feeling rise up inside you. As you were about to step forward you tapped her on the shoulder and whispered,

"I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna go sit down" she sighed and folded her arms across her chest in annoyance as you ducked down under the barrier and escaped the bumper car doom.

You found a picnic table near by that had a great view of the cars so you could see Emily happily getting in her car as another one of our friends joined her. As she saw you she sent daggers but you offered a small wave and giggle to your other friend Alex as they put their seat belts on, which they returned.

You were minding your own business when that infectious giggle started ringing out beside you.

"So this is where angel flew off to" he sat down next to you and you suddenly felt very insecure and vulnerable, you didn't know this boy and all your friends weren't around, you were a very shy person and this boy could be anyone. Yes he was cute but that wouldn't fool you.

"Angel?" You raised an eyebrow at him, slightly awkward about the nickname.

"Well I didn't think you were Jesus when you fell from heaven and landed in my arms, you're missing the beard" he laughed causing you to chuckle along. "And I didn't know your real name so I just went with the angel theme"

"Y/N" you beamed at him. All terror of being abducted had faded with the chatter, he seemed really nice, plus if he was going to kidnap you he would've done it by now. He seemed so cute and bubbly, not at all the volatile type.

"Ethan" he smiled almost as wide as you, sticking his hand out to shake yours. His hands were surprisingly soft but his grip was strong, instead of doing something normal like shaking hands, he wiggled them about making your arm flail out of control, setting you both off into hysterics yet again.

"So why did angel fly away?" He asked, relaxing against the table part of the bench and smirking at you.

"I don't like bumper cars or anything like that" you shuffled awkwardly, probably sounding so weird for not liking them, everyone you knew loved them, this place was even famous for their bumper cars and to come here and not use them was silly to your friends.

"Me neither" your heart did a flutter, you found someone else that hated them, you weren't alone!

"Really?" You asked, almost in disbelief that someone like him would hate it.

"Yeah, when you snuck off I asked the girl you were with where you went, she was pretty rude and just rolled her eyes and pointing at you. I made an excuse to the boys to see if you were alright and managed to get out without being called a pussy" he laughed quietly as you smiled sadly at him.

"If it would make you feel better, when you go back to your mates you can say I wasn't okay but am now" you smiled, slightly hinting that he was making you happy, he seemed to have cottoned on as he smiled shyly at you.

"I don't think I'll hang out with them for the rest of today" he shrugged as you looked at him quizzically "do you wanna maybe spend it with me instead? I won't make you go on any bumper cars" he giggled nervously, you were stunned by his confidence but nodded excitedly as he fist pumped the air childishly, causing you to laugh yet again. You haven't smiled so much in one day!

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