You Can't Tell Anyone (21)

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"What?" You muttered under your breath. Your heart rate began speeding up and your chest began to feel tight. Today was going so well. Now she's here and ruined everything. Again.

"I- uh- Melissa can you wait out there a moment?!" Josh almost screamed in a panic, scrambling around to try and get up, confusing you slightly.

"What do you mean silly?" She chuckled in a high pitched squeal, she barged in just as Josh had lunged for the door, missing her by an inch as she looked around, smiling for a moment until her eyes landed on you.

"What is she doing here?" She asked, her 'princess' attitude dropping into the evil witch faster than Josh had leapt to his feet.

"Melissa baby I can explain-" he tried to explain but Melissa seemed to be just as delusional and stubborn as Josh had been that night he kicked you out, instantly putting a hand up and hushing him.

"No Josh! What the hell can you explain?! I walk in to see your pregnant ex girlfriend sat on the couch watching a movie with you!" Tears had already began pouring down her face, making you all share a glance.

"To be fair, we're all here too so it's not exactly as sexual as you're thinking" Cal commented, earning a hard smack in his stomach from you.

"I don't fucking care! Josh you said you'd never see her again!" Suddenly everything got a lot more interesting.

"Wait what? Josh you told me she was okay with it!" You said, now standing up and looking angry. Josh had managed to get himself stuck in between a rock and a hard place. You being the rock as your belly was the size of one and her being the hard place because you've never met anyone so thick.

"Really Josh?! You're letting this fatso make up lies, you know what you said to me why is she saying that?!" By now she was gripping onto Josh's shirt so hard her fake nails nearly broke off. Josh was trying so hard to explain but neither of you have him a chance, you were both arguing over the top of each other.

"I'm not lying you mouldy bimbo! Josh came with me to the hospital today for the sonogram and told me he wanted to help me, that you were fine with it!" You yelled more at Josh but a lot of your anger was aimed at Melissa.

"LADIES" Josh managed to find his voice and interrupt your bickering, everyone in the room looking a little lost for words and worn out over the argument.

"Can I please speak to Melissa and Y/N alone?" Josh requested, a little quieter this time. He looked to the boys as if to say 'leave now' but Tobi just laughed,

"Yeah you know where the kitchen is bro" making everyone else laugh. Josh sighed and grabbed both yours and Melissa's hand before leading you it into the dark kitchen, only flicking one light on.

"Joshy?" Melissa whimpered like a child who just lost her favourite Barbie.

"What Melissa?" He asked tiredly, rubbing his temples as he sat down at the kitchen island.

"Please don't leave me" she faked a sob and collapsed into a chair beside him, throwing herself at him and forcing out sobs into the sleeve of his hoodie.

"I'm not going to leave you babe, I just wanted to talk to you both" he spoke softly to her, making your heart sink to your kneecaps. He used to talk to you like that. He used to stroke your hair like he's stroking hers. He used to call you babe and tell you it would be okay. Josh looked towards you and pulled away from Melissa after noticing your award fiddling.

"Okay. Melissa I know this is hard for you, I can understand that it's a bit weird that your boyfriend is having a baby with his ex, I know, it's a difficult situation. But she's still got my child in there. And I want my kids to know who I am, I want to be a dad." He said simply but she only cried more.

"But what about us? Don't you want your first kid to be with me?" Her acting was horrible, you could see her motives so clearly. Josh was internet famous. They make a lot of money. Enough to keep those peach claws glued to her fingers anyway.

"You want me to get rid of my baby?" You asked as you scrunched your eyebrows, looking a bit confused. Was she really asking you to do that?

"Well yeah. But if you don't then I'm going to to have to stop Josh from seeing it. Just pretend it's not his kid" the words coming out of out of her mouth made you feel more sick than the morning sickness did.

"Melissa, you can't ask her to get rid of her baby and you can't stop me from seeing it either!" Josh said a little louder towards her, his aggression beginning to show like it always used to. Fortunately for you, you knew how to manage his short tempers.

"Listen Melissa, I can see that you don't like me, and to be honest, I'm not all that find of you, but this is Josh's decision. I'm having this baby whether he's in the picture or not. If he wants to, then great, extra help, more fun for the baby but if he doesn't, you're more than welcome to live your lives together without the hassle of a screaming child. But it's Josh's decision and I'm afraid you don't get any say in that, sweet cheeks" you put on your most sarcastic voice and let all the truth spill out, she has no right to keep Josh from what he wants.

"I'm sorry but who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?" Her crying, whimpering stage had completely vanished, she was now as catty as ever. You let a small snort past your lips before pushing yourself off of the counter you were leant against.

"I'm gonna be a mum, I need to learn how to deal with bratty kids when they sit get their way" you shrugged before walking off into the living room again. You managed to catch a small laugh from Josh but he managed to pass it off as a cough. The lol on Melissa's tanned face was priceless though. Almost made being dumped by Josh worth it.

"Boys in ready to go home" you said sweetly with a small yawn escaping your lips. Harry, Cal, Callux and Tobi all stood up and made their way into the hall with a few yawns and stretches.

"What did he say to you? Everything okay?" Harry asked quietly as he placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the front door.

"Yeah, everything's fine" you smiled, catching a glimpse into the kitchen as Melissa glared at Josh. He made an excuse to leave though and began walking towards all of you. A scared look on his face.

"She's a bit upset" he said in response to your amused yet questioning look. You shared a small laugh before it got a bit awkward and quiet. lol the boys were putting their shoes on and ignoring you both.

"Sorry about her she can be a bit-"

"Childish?" You finished his sentence for him, taking him by surprise but making him laugh and nod all the same. You didn't know if he was laughing at your comment or at the action. You used to do that, finish his sentences with something funny and possibly insulting before he could come up with a nicer way of putting it.

"She can be a bit of a drama queen but I'll talk to her see if I can get some sense into her" you smiled sympathetically as he made a sad laugh.

"You know I don't mind if you choose her. You seem like you really like her" you lied, yes maybe he did really like her from what you could see but you actually did mind if he chose her. You did mind that she was pulling him away from the responsibilities he had. This was his child too.

You walked out after waving awkwardly at Josh, allowing JJ to walk you out as all other boys had abandoned you back to the car.

"She's different from you. She likes all these girly things. She thinks video games are a waste of time" JJ whispered as he led you back to the car. Holding your hand to guide you as it was pitch black by now.

"Really? What does Josh see in her? Video games are his life" you commented, more to yourself but JJ just sighed before opening your door.

"She's not you" he gave you a quick kiss on your cheek like JJ always used to. You didn't know why, he just did. You've known JJ a long time, he's always done it. You didn't mind though. You think Josh might've but that doesn't matter now. You hopped back in your car with JJ's words still lingering in your head.

"You okay?" Cal asked, nudging your arm from the back seat.

"Yeah. I think so" you smiled before letting your head relax against the head restraint. Slowly sinking into a nap in the car. Only a few hours and you have to be up again. Great.

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