How You Met|Tobi

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"Milly!" You called as your Border Collie ran on ahead of you. It was cold and windy but, as every dog owner knows, it's still perfect weather for a walk.

You decided that today would be a good day for the park, it was surrounded by trees and it wasn't that far from your house and your dog loved chasing the geese by the pond, even if his tail gets bitten almost every time.

You were catching up with the puppy, your short legs making fast pace across the path, that's when something unexpected happened. A loud burst of cheering erupted from the other side of the thick of trees, a river in between.

You looked around for the source of noise to find nothing, your thoughts becoming distracted by the sound of splashing. Your eyes traveled to the river slowly, scared for what you knew was making the noise.

Of course.

"Milly no!" You screeched as you watched the dog paddle over to the other side, mud dripping from her, once, snowy white coat. You walked over to the edge of the river, trying to convince yourself that 'you could totally jump that'. Your attempt said otherwise. You landed in the river, slipping on a rock and dunking your bum into the icy flow of dirt.

After climbing out, you managed to catch your dog sprinting towards a group of boys playing football. Oh no. If history with Milly had taught you anything, it's that Milly and balls are not something you should mix. Especially if you have some form of bond with the ball.

In an attempt to save their football, you began sprinting as fast as you could, but, by the time you had moved an inch, the lively puppy was already bounding across the pitch, startling a few of the lads on the field.

"Shit shit shit shit" you breathed out with every step, watching her take the football in her mouth and the confused faces surrounding her. A tall blonde boy was looking around for some sort of owner until he spotted you "IM SO SORRY" you called out, just about managing to make it onto the pitch.

It took 10 minutes to try and prise the ball from Milly but when you finally free it from her jaw, it lets out a sad puff of air as the ball begins to deflate in your palm.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry, she's easily startled and the cheering made her curious and- oh my god I'm so f*cking sorry" you had clipped Milly back onto her leash and put your face into your palms as an even taller dark haired boy took the sad excuse for a football from your hands.

Through your fingers you saw the boys exchange glances. You felt terrible inside, you've ruined their whole evening because you can't keep your dog under control for more than a second. As you examined all of them through the gaps of your hands/apparently some form of force field, your eyes land on one boy in particular, he was shorter than the others and you could tell he was the baby of the group. He has sandy coloured hair and pink lips.

He was gorgeous.

"Don't worry about it" a shorter, yet still taller than you, boy said. He had bleached blond hair slightly visible from under his hat which, after some concentration, you realised said 'beast'.

"No no, I've just ruined your game" you dug your hands into your coat pocket and pull out your purse, "listen I can't exactly do anything right now but I can buy you a new ball" you held out a £10 note, unsure about the actual cost of footballs.

"You don't have to do that!" A sudden voice called out from behind you. The goalie, you hadn't noticed, was stood behind you, sweat dripping from his forehead and gloves rung together in his strong hands.

"My dog popped your ball, it's the least I could do" it took everything in you to stop yourself from laughing at the slight innuendo and as his lips curled into a smirk and snickers were sounding off behind you, you let out a small giggle, realising they were all as dirty minded as you.

"We have other balls at home" he shrugged before looking to the floor "but, if you wanted to make up for bursting my ball, you could buy me a coffee" his cheeks flushed a red colour similar to your own cheeks. You heard some cocky laughter behind you and a few wolf whistles here and there.

You considered it for a while, you thought the boy was cute but you didn't exactly have a crush on him at all. He seemed so nervous to ask you that you would've felt bad for saying 'no' even if you were slightly interested in the blond boy behind you.

"Yeah, sure" you smiled kindly, putting your purse away and pulling on Milly's leash. You saw the boy toss his goalie gloves at the tall dark haired guy with a few high fives from the others that had joined the escapade.

You felt slightly pressured at all the boys fist bumping the lad, you had to live up to all the respect there giving him, even if you weren't so sure on him to start with.

A/N: apologies for lack of update yesterday, I wasn't feeling too well and was actually out for most of yesterday and it's a late update tonight because I've just come home from cheering my best friend on at Race For Life. She did great and I'm proud of her! There won't be anything tomorrow (I don't think) because I have college on Mondays and Wednesday's and I'm exhausted when I get home and don't want to write but you can expect something on Tuesday, also very sorry for spelling mistakes 😋

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