You Can't Tell Anyone (17)

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"You're pregnant" he repeated, a little more anger in his tone than last time. Your eyes remained transfixed, not on him though, your eyes had trailed down from him and to his arm, travelling down his sleeve to his hand where he gripped something that nearly killed you inside.

"Who is she?" Harry asked angrily, referring to the petite blonde holding onto Josh's hand for dear life, the same girl from the party, walking in hand in hand and overhearing your biggest secret.

"Never mind who she is. Is Y/N pregnant?" Your mouth opened and closed as the little blonde shuffled uncomfortably by Josh's side, stroking his arm as steam practically flew out of Josh's ears.

"I- I'm-" you stuttered, unable to bridge a voice out of your head and into your mouth. All you could hear was screaming in your head, all you could feel was the vibrations from the screams tingling in your fingertips. You needed to leave.

You pushed past Josh and the girl and ran outside and into the hallway, beginning to breathe again, you didn't even know you were holding your breath until you gasped back into life. You didn't know what to do, so you ran, down the hallway a down the stairs, ignoring the footsteps that followed.

The moment you stepped outside you began to sob, the cold air infection your lungs making it hard to breathe. You heard the door open behind you as you ran down an ally between Tobi's building and the one next to it, collapsing your forehead against the cool brick as tears streamed down your face. You began weakly punching the wall with your balled up first as the footsteps came nearer.

"Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't-" an arm swung around your shoulders but you fought against him, Pushing Simon away as much as you could but he persisted in calming you down.

"You said there was a chance! You said he still loved me!" You choked out, screaming as much as you could with he little air left in your body.

"I know, Y/N I didn't know he would bring her! I didn't even know he would be here I-" he tried taking a grip around your wrist to stop you from lightly hitting his chest as you wailed.

"If you knew she existed then why didn't you tell me?!" You spat through gritted teeth. You wriggled free and started to run again but before you could, Simon took a grip around your waist to keep you in place.

"I though she was a fling, someone to try and cover up who you were to him, I didn't know!" He tried reasoning, yelling to be heard about your cries. You were a pretty horrific state and if it wasn't so late at night, a lot of people would've heard you. You managed to catch a glance at Tobi and Harry stood at the alleyways entrance, just keeping a watchful eye, a sorrowful eye.

"You said! You said he needed to be alone! You said!" Your fighting had become weak as you let out a sob and collapsed into his arms, hanging loosely from his grip. He managed to turn you around where you buried your face in his shirt, he softly stroked your hair and made 'shh' noises to soothe you.

"You said he loved me" you whimpered against his t-shirt. Your body becoming so weak and tired from fighting and your throat becoming sore from the screaming.

"I said he did love you" Simon whispered softly against your hair.

"But I thought even you knew that there was still a chance he won't come back" your body cringed and tensed at the bitterly truthful words. Another round of crying taking over your body as he held you tight in the dingy, damp alleyway.

"Y/N?" The firmness of the voice told you exactly who it was. Both of your bodies turned to see who it was, your thoughts were confirmed though as the silhouette of Josh started walking towards you.

He stopped right in front of you as Simons hold tightened. Josh had a guilty look on his face before his eyes travelled down your body to the small rise in your t-shirt. He lifted a hand and placed it there, feeling the bump and his body shake with a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He whispered so delicately you could barely hear it.

"I tried to. Don't act like you didn't even try to listen" you shook your head with narrowed eyes as he looked back up to you.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me that night?" Josh asked with glossy eyes.

"I never slept with Harry" you spat through gritted teeth making Josh wince.

"Then why did you leave with him?" You battled weakly but you shot him down within seconds.

"Because he was there for me when you weren't. He told me everything was going to be okay when you kicked me out and he gave me a home when I lost mine in you" you said bitterly. Making sure Josh felt every bit of pain through what you were trying to say. It seemed to be working though.

"So this is mine?" You nodded your head as he let out a low breath.

"Josh" an annoyingly high pitched voice called from the alley entrance. Both Harry and Tobi stood aside to let her see through.

Josh looked between you and the blonde, unsure about where to go from here. Until he finally looked to you for pinger than a second.

"Sorry" he whispered before removing his hand and walking away. Walking back to her. Simon stood there in shock as you collapsed to the floor. Putting your head in your hands.

"Y/N?" You heard Harry whisper. Making you jump slightly as you didn't know they were coming over. Be bent down and placed a hand on your knee before you looked up with red puffy eyes and a defeated expression before croaking out;

"I really thought he'd stay"

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