You Can't Tell Anyone (32)

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Your heart began racing and your palms began o sweat, it was now or never. You couldn't screw this up. You slowly stepped toward the door and reached out, your fingers nearly connected with the handle but were smacked away before the cold metal could be touched.

"What are you doing JJ?!" You whispered harshly at the boys she began pushing you towards their living room.

"Look, Joe came to see me right? You sit here and watch TV, I'll let Joe in and ask him to wait in here with you while I do "something" and by something I mean get Josh to come downstairs because you wanted to hang out, Melissa has been like his shadow since you moved in so no doubt she'll follow" you were in stunned silence from the brilliance of his plan, not bothering to fight back as he pushed you down onto the sofa because all his words were sinking in.

"What about your date?" You asked before he could leave the room.

"She cancelled this morning I only went along with it to get you to confess" he said with a grin although you could see how hurt he was by the news, he genuinely did like this girl.

You nodded your head as he swiftly ran out of the room. You heard him open the door with a loud "what's up man?!" In his usual excited manner. You heard the clap of a man hug before the door shut and their footsteps became louder.

"-and this is Y/N. As you can see she swallowed a baby" he giggled as Joe walked in looking handsome as ever, he laughed at JJ's joke as you offered a small shy wave, he giggled at you but returned it nonetheless.

"You sit in here with Y/N and I'll go grab some camera equipment, we're filming in the kitchen so I need to bring it down" he said with the as much useless detail as he sought necessary.

"Oh do you need a hand?" Joe asked in his polite manner but JJ declined and was determined to do it himself to stick to the plan. Joe nodded before coming to sit beside you.

"What you up to then?" He asked as he took his phone out. You couldn't help but notice the username 'Melissa❤️" had sent him a text. She's texting him whilst she's upstairs with Josh? Ugh.

"Just watching some T-" you turned your head to the TV, the small detail of actually turning it on had seemed to have escaped you. You stammered but came up with an excuse as Joe began looking skeptically at you.

"Was watching TV, then I heard JJ had company and turned it off" you smiled politely as he nodded understandingly. The room fell into an awkward silence and Joe tapped on the screen of his now dead phone.

"May I ask about the- the uh-" he gestured around his own stomach to signal your pregnancy making you chuckle sweetly.

"What would you like to know?" You cocked and eyebrow at him as he smiled.

"Uh, whose is it to start with? Is it JJ's? I can see it being JJ's, he always gets the pretty girls and is, well, JJ" you both laughed as you blushed from his friendly flirtation, you knew he didn't mean it as a romantic flirt as he clearly saw you were pregnant and he was sort of chasing Melissa around.

"Well thank you for the compliment but I'm afraid you'd be wrong, this baby has Zerkaa DNA" you smiled fondly as you stroked your belly. Small tingles of excitement bubbling inside of you as you touched it.

"Really? I didn't even know Zerkaa had a girlfriend!" He exclaimed in amazement, you felt your stomach drop as the awkward explanation was soon to fall from your cherry lips.

"Actually-" but you weren't even able to explain as you were cut off by a yelling at the living room doorway;

"SUGG!!" Josh yelled, walking into the room at a fast pace to greet him. They were actually really good friends which seemed so unlikely considering their online statuses placed them so far apart.

"Alright Zerkaa?" Joe asked, standing up and enveloping him in a bear hug. Although Joe is considerably smaller than Josh and it was more of Josh being the bear and Joe looking like his prey.

"Good good, how about you?" Josh beamed as the pulled away, you were grinning from ear to ear as you watched them exchange a nice conversation.

"Yeah alright thanks mate. I'm just about to film w-" you watched Joe's eyes widen and his mouth fall open.

"Melissa?!" He practically yelled. You watched Melissa look up in shock from walking in with her nose stuck in her phone, the moment she heard Joe's voice her face went pale and her phone fell from her palms.

"Joe what are you-" she began to fumble with her words but Josh spoke above her,

"You two know each other?" He asked in amusement, little did he know the situation wasn't actually as funny as he sees it to be.

"Yeah me and Melissa we, well we're kind of dating. What are you doing here?" Joe's eyebrows furrowed as the reality of the situation dawned upon him. Melissa looked between the boys, not noticing Josh's jaw clench and his whole body stiffen.

"What did you just say? You're dating?" He asked, the anger in his voice becoming evident. You were simply say in timid silence watching the whole thing unfold.

"Well we haven't actually been on a date yet but we've been texting for a few months now and- I don't know she asked me to be here boyfriend on Saturday." Joe said quietly, obviously becoming a little frightened of Josh's expression.

"But I've been dating her for 6 months now. When did all this happen?" Josh's tone seemed calm but you knew this when he was his angriest. Red in the face with white knuckles by a calm presence.

"6 months" Joe said almost inaudible. They both turned to Melissa who had become rather quiet compared to the bratty loud mouthed asshole she usually was. She had also seemed to have sunk into the ground a bit as are cowered under both of their glares.

"Something you'd like to explain Melissa?" Josh's voice had become menacing and mocking. Melissa simply began retreating into the wall as both Josh and Joe started walking toward her.

You suddenly felt a tugging on your arm and noticed JJ crouched beside you, trying to get you to follow.

"Leave them to it. It's a private thing, let them have space to sort it out. Plus we know how angry Josh gets I don't want him to hurt you" he whispered as yelling suddenly occurred from their corner of the room.

You reluctantly obeyed. You understand where he's coming from, it was a matter that would be shared privately and within the relationship boundaries but you couldn't help the disappointment from not getting to see Melissa crushed. Completely unmasked for who she really was.

You followed JJ into his room where he lead you to his bed, you laid down and traced patterns into his bed sheets as he took refuge at his editing station. Immersing himself in previously filmed FIFA videos. At one point Vikk and Simon poked their heads in-in confusion, poor boys were left completely out of the loop, a screaming match beneath their feet and they didn't even know why.

You invited them in, with JJ's consent of course as it was his room, Simon sat on the other side of the bed and pulled you in for a cuddle as Vikk sat crossed legged at the end of the bed. You began explaining and they soon got the picture, leaving you all in silence as you all strained your ears to try and listen to what they were talking about.

You listened to the muffled yelling, trying hard to decipher what was being said but no luck came. You felt guilty and bad. You knew this would hurt Josh and you knew it would hurt him bad. But it would hurt so much more if he was engaged or even married to her when he found out. It needed to be done now.

All that was left was to find out he aftermath of the situation, oh how you weren't looking forward to that.

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