Hands off my sister!! pt. 2

456 21 6

Age: 16
Word count: 1395
Summary: Alena overthinks what could've happened if she hadn't been there in time to save Anna and blames herself for the incident. Natasha and Steve get home early and she's forced to come clean

The Romanoff-Rogers girls sat at opposite ends of the couch, Anna already back to her sweet, bubbly self, reading a book, while her big sister sat there, knees pulled to her chest and staring straight ahead.

Every possible what if..? had made its way into her concious, haunting her thoughts. Even though nothing had happened, the mere thought of her sister being touched against her will under her supervision sent shivers down her spine.

,,When's Daddy gonna be home? Dyou think he'll be able to tuck me in?"

Anastasia asked, cutting the silence that had been lingering over the room. Her emerald eyes were wide as she asked her question, enhancing her overall sweet complexion. Alena just shrugged. She couldn't even look at her little sister, without feeling immensely guilty for something that didn't even happen.

Truth was, the thought of it was enough for her to blame herself.

The 16 year old glanced at her phone, just to notice a message her mother had left.


We'll be home in a minute

Hang tight, little light

Take ur time, we're fine

Anna's asked for dad to tuck her in tho


Maybe do hurry

Are you okay, baby light?

Your texts sound really dry


Just get home, pls

And promise you won't be mad



What did you do?


Alena Lubov Romanoff-Rogers, what's going on?

We'll hurry!!


Alena gave a sigh and let her phone fall onto the couch. She knew this would have consequences for her, but if she thought about it, she deserved it. She almost let her sister get stripped of her innocence, for God's sake!

The more she thought about it, the more horrible a person she felt. This was all her fault, this was all because she wanted to be popular, this was all because she let others change who she was.

,,Anna are you okay? Anything you wanna talk about?"

The 16 year old inquired, trying to take her mind off of herself and instead focus on the actual victim. Anastasia looked up from her book again, nodding wildly. Apparently, she hadn't taken it all to badly.

,,You kicked those guys' asses, Leni, that was awesome"

The latter beamed, scooting close to her big sister. For her, all this wasn't a big deal because nothing had happened. She simply wasn't aware of what could've been if Alena hadn't been there.

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