Cruise Date

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Jade held Tokaku's hand tightly, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin. For Tokaku, it had been a long time since she had experienced the comforting touch of another's hand. The last time was when her late aunt had helped her escape her overbearing grandmother, an event that had left deep scars on her heart.

As they walked towards the billiards center, Tokaku's mind was flooded with the painful memories of her childhood. Her head bowed slightly, and her eyelids lowered, the weight of the trauma she had endured evident in her demeanor.

Jade, sensing Tokaku's sadness, shifted his attention to her. He could tell from the look on her face that she was thinking about her difficult past. Gently, he reached out and lifted her chin, meeting her gaze with his own.

"Tokaku," he said softly, "I'm here for you. Whatever you're going through, you don't have to face it alone. Let me be the one to support you and help you heal."

His words were filled with understanding and compassion, and Tokaku felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that with Jade by her side, she could overcome the demons of her past and find the happiness she so deserved.

Inside the billiards center, Jade had reserved a billiard table for him and his girlfriend Tokaku to play. After settling the payment, a waiter led them to a vacant table. The waiter left once they were situated.

Jade took two cue sticks and handed one to Tokaku. Before they started playing snooker, Jade asked Tokaku if she knew how to play. Tokaku shook her head, admitting she did not know the rules of snooker.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Jade decided to teach Tokaku how to play. He demonstrated the steps and gameplay of snooker, playing a few shots to show her. Jade explained the objective of sinking the balls in the correct order and the different point values.

Once Jade finished his tutorial, he suggested that Tokaku try playing snooker herself to see if she understood the concepts. Tokaku nodded in agreement, eager to put Jade's lessons into practice.

Tokaku stepped up to the table, gripping the cue stick as Jade had shown her. She took aim at the white ball and drew back the cue, then struck the white ball firmly. The white ball swiftly rolled across the table and crashed into the cluster of nine billiard balls, scattering them across the felt surface.

Tokaku watched in fascination as the balls scattered, impressed by the power and precision of her shot. Though she was a beginner, Jade could see the determination in her eyes to master the game of snooker.

Soon after, Jade and Tokaku started to play snooker together. During their match, Jade had constantly lost to Tokaku since she never misses her shots. He was not surprised by that because before, he had witnessed how she threw her knives directly to the center of the dart board without missing her aims at the Octavinelle lounge as she graduated from an assassin facility. Jade felt defeated by his girlfriend's talent in adapting to games without a single lose.

As for Tokaku, she was unfazed by her victory because she knew herself could shot perfectly from her experiences in throwing knives and gun shooting. When she looked at her defeated boyfriend, Tokaku felt sympathy and decided to let him win in the next round.

The last round of the couple's match began. When playing snooker, Tokaku intentionally missed her shots on the billiards balls, leading Jade to win the game. Although he had won, Jade knew that he didn't deserve the victory since his girlfriend had let him win instead of her. He noticed how she intentionally gripped her cue stick wrongly and her aims missed the balls.

"You let me win." He said, dissatisfied.

"I have won for many times. So, I let you win this time," Tokaku admitted honestly.

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