Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Staying Discreet

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Meanwhile, in the Scarabia hallway, Jade and Tokaku walked alongside Kalim after awakening him from his house warden room. The trio had made their way towards the treasury room.

"I apologize, Kalim. We didn't expect you to already be in bed for the night. This can wait until tomorrow, truly. It's selfish of us to ask to see the treasury again..." Jade earnestly apologized to Kalim.

"No need to worry! It's perfectly alright! What did the two of you want to see?" Kalim replied, inquiring of the neat teal-haired male and the girl.

"I was intrigued by the tapestries and carpets further in the back. Textile handicrafts aren't common under the sea, you know. The Scalding Sands culture has always fascinated me. After all, what could be further from the depths of the ocean than a world of arid sands?" Jade explained.

"Speaking of carpets, I have one with colors that would be a perfect fit for your dormitory. It's a shame to let it continue gathering dust in the storeroom. Why don't you take it back with you?" Kalim suggested to the male.

"Are you sure?" Jade was surprised when the white-haired male allowed him to take a tapestry from his treasury.

"Absolutely!" The male replied. They finally arrived in front of the treasury room. "And here we are," Kalim informed Jade and Tokaku.

He opened the door, revealing a vast space. It was filled with piles of gold coins and exquisite items collected in the storage room. Beautifully woven fabrics, golden vases, and ceramic pots adorned the area.

"Ahhh... It's even more breathtaking up close," Jade marveled, gazing at the treasures. Meanwhile, Tokaku simply observed until her eyes were drawn to a peacock green fabric. She picked it up and inspected it in her hands. Jade noticed the blue-haired girl holding the fabric. "What are you holding there, Tokaku?" he asked her.

"I'm not sure, but it seems to be some kind of fancy fabric, perhaps suitable for royalty," Tokaku answered. Jade hummed before turning to Kalim. "Kalim, what's this lovely peacock green fabric?"

"Oh, that's woven out of silk. Long ago, when they first reformed the law stating that only royalty could marry royalty, there was a princess who wed a common man raised in the slums. She often wore that color. It became popular among men and women alike in the Scalding Sands," Kalim explained.

"Incredible. If the mer-princess, who was fascinated with the human realm, were to see these treasures, she would be desperate to have them all. It mustn't be easy to keep track of so many luxuries," Jade remarked.

"I leave all the organization to Jamil. He occasionally airs them out," Kalim replied.

"Jamil is quite the competent right-hand man, isn't he? Azul said the same thing," Jade complimented.

Kalim grinned. "Indeed he is. The guy is simply amazing. Jamil taught me magic and was a better tutor than anyone my family ever hired. Oh, and he's a great dancer too, not that he ever does it around others..."

"If he's that competent, why doesn't he speak up about what you've been doing?" Jade suddenly questioned the white-haired male.


"Keeping the students from going home on a long holiday and forcing them into rigorous training every day... It's hard to imagine you doing such a thing. So why?" the neat teal-haired male asked.

"Oh... Well... It's because we really needed the extra training, I suppose...?" Kalim answered with pauses, his tone lacking confidence.

"You 'suppose'? It was your decision, wasn't it?" Jade pressed.

"Yes, it definitely was, but... I've been spacing out a lot lately," Kalim confessed.

"Why is that?" Jade inquired.

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