The Power Cut

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While sitting in the car, Lia felt like she was being watched so she turned around and caught the CCTV cameras on the corner but after a brief stare she turned back after dismissing her thoughts and focused on Luke. On the other side, Shaman had nearly had a heart attack when she directly looked at the cameras, she looked him in the eyes without even knowing about it. It was late at night but he didn't want to go home yet so Shaman was doing some work, he wanted to know more about the kids but didn't felt right hacking into their school computers. Feeling anxious, he abruptly got up and left the office, he needed some peace right now, which he wouldn't get here in front of his workspace. 

Luke and Lia were preparing to call it a night when Luke got an emergency call so he got ready ad left after kissing her goodnight. Lia helped him to the door and she went to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of water, she drank her water and started walking back to her room ,when suddenly the lights went out and she let out a scream. 

Shaman was in front of his door when he heard the scream and he thought, "It definitely came from the door opposite to his", he waited for a bit and then again heard a noise of a glass breaking, he immediately went to the opposite door and knocked asking, "Is anyone there? I am your flat mate and heard your scream so just wanted to check". 

Lia had accidently bumped into the center table of her living room and broke her centerpiece when she heard a man's voice at her door. At first, she was scared but then she recalled her daughter mentioning some nice secretary lived there so she slowly walked to her door and replied, "Do you have your phone with you? Can you switch on your torch because its a power cut and its dark here? Also can you contact the electrician because i think the whole building's lights are out". 

After switching on his torch on his phone, Shaman spoke while looking for his secretary's number, "I have the torch on and i am calling someone who will see what to do". He glanced up from his phone to find her looking at him with a scared face and he couldn't believe his eyes. God must be on his side because here she was in flesh in front of him, he turned his phone so the light was facing upward so that she could see his face. Instantly recognizing him, she spoke, "What are you doing here? Don't tell me you are stalking me? 

Even though she was rude to him, he had a smile on his face, he replied "I am your flat mate, i live opposite you and trust me when i say it but i am as surprised as you are knowing we have been living here for quite some time but haven't bumped into one another even once".  She wanted to shout at him but then heard her kids calling her, she quickly asked, "Did you contact the electrician? Shaman hurriedly dialed his secretary's number while gesturing her to walk inside, she wanted to protest but thinking about her kids, she allowed him to guide her to her kid's room.  

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