Chapter 128: Tobirama's Inheritance

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In the Senju clan compound, Tsunade looked at her disciple, who was hesitant to sit down, feeling somewhat puzzled. After all, Tatsuma had never been a reserved person. Why did he seem so awkward about taking a seat today?

Meanwhile, Minato and Kushina, who knew the truth, were trying hard to suppress their laughter. Tsunade frowned disapprovingly and asked, "Are you sure you want to stand and listen?"

Tatsuma nodded and said, "Um, standing is fine. You're all my seniors and senseis. It wouldn't be polite for me to sit with you."

"Pfft~ Ahahaha~"

Finally unable to contain her laughter, Kushina burst into loud laughter. Even Minato buried his head deep, his shoulders shaking. Tsunade and the others became even more puzzled and increasingly displeased.

After all, being late was bad enough, but now he was playing these childish tricks. Didn't he realize that the mission departure was imminent and every second counted?

"Exactly what's going on?!"

Tsunade's voice carried a hint of anger. Tatsuma, feeling embarrassed, glanced at Orochimaru and Jiraiya, who also looked puzzled. With a sigh and a stomp of his foot, Tatsuma swallowed his shame and truthfully confessed:

"Recently... I've been a bit constipated... and uncomfortable in certain areas. I don't feel like sitting."

Tsunade and Orochimaru, upon hearing this, were dumbfounded, their faces covered in black lines. Jiraiya, after a brief moment of confusion, burst into hearty laughter, even more unrestrained than Kushina. This left Tatsuma with a face full of embarrassment.

"Did you take any medicine?"

"I did, but it didn't help much."

Of course, Tatsuma couldn't just let his constipation persist. However, the internal medication seemed to have been drained of all its nutrients and turned into charcoal. External application might have some effect, but if Minato didn't bring it, he'd have less psychological resistance to buy it himself.

Tsunade furrowed her brows, shook her head, and decided not to pursue it further. Just as she was about to discuss the main matter at hand, Orochimaru, with a furrowed brow, unexpectedly interjected:

"Is it because of recent changes in your body?"

Although Tsunade was the one who conducted Tatsuma's physical examination, the person most interested in Tatsuma's changes was actually Orochimaru. However, due to his identity, he couldn't actively participate in it.

He had asked Tsunade about it before, but she had assured him that Tatsuma's body was perfectly fine, so he temporarily suppressed his doubts.

But now, it seemed that Tatsuma's body was experiencing some issues. Although it was just constipation, such anomalies often hinted at underlying problems. Several months ago, Tatsuma didn't even have this issue while consuming Military Rations Pills. Upon returning to Konoha and resuming normal diet, he developed constipation. This was clearly abnormal. Orochimaru's golden eyes kept scanning Tatsuma's body, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

He had previously conducted analyses on Tatsuma and Minato. At that time, there were no issues found in their blood samples, nor were there any traces of Kekkei Genkai. Tatsuma and Minato had also never exhibited any traits of the ninja clans. Therefore, he believed that the two were simply talented civilians. However, after observing them for a year and occasionally interacting with them, he was amazed by their talents.

However, all of this has changed recently. Tatsuma's Chakra suddenly increased, which is almost impossible to happen. Moreover, Tatsuma's rate of progress is faster than Minato, who is also a genius of the same generation, and in some aspects, it's not just a little faster.

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