Dylmas - Cold Coffee

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Here's my second One-Shot. Hope you like it!
Based on: Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran.

Dylan's POV

I sat behind the camera's on set as I watched the rest of the cast trying to perfect their scene. We were about halfway through filming The Scorch Trials and I wasn't in this scene so I was allowed to relax for a while. I didn't have anything else to do so I chose to sit on the side and watch my friends from the cast just doing their thing - more particularly, my amazing boyfriend, Thomas Brodie-Sangster! He is absolutely adorable to watch whilst acting, it's what I love about him. He's so dedicated to his job and the roles that he plays, it's unbelievable! Although, now that I think about it, there's a lot more that I love about him...

Take for example, just him in general. Thomas is just an adorable human being, in fact he's too perfect to be human, he must be some sort of alien. Everything about him just screams cuteness! His hair: the way it's practically the colour of an angels halo, the way it's so soft and feathery to touch and just looks like some sort of fluffball. His dark, mysterious eyes that I seem to get lost in every time I look in them. And when he looks at me, I can see a slight sparkle of joy and love which always puts a smile on my face. It's how I always know he loves me even if we're arguing. Then there's his smile. The only smile that can literally make me weak at the knees. It's just so genuine and loveable. And when he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkle. Although, he tells me it's one of the things he's insecure about I always make sure that he knows I love every perfect imperfection of his, because I do. However, the cutest thing about my boyfriend is his personality. He has the most kind, gentle, understanding personality I've ever known anyone to have. I think that's why so many people just love to hang around with him, he's able to lighten up any room he's in.

That takes me to another point. His sense of humour. It doesn't matter where he is or who he's with, he is constantly making jokes. Sometimes they're funny but mostly they're just plain silly and make no sense; yet I still end up laughing as if I'm in on the joke. That's probably why there's nothing more appealing to me than spending time with him.

Next is the way he dresses. I have to admit, his dress sense is a lot better than mine. He always manages to wear smart-looking clothes whereas I just throw on anything and don't really care what others think of how I look. As long as my Tommy doesn't think that I look like a tramp, I'm happy. But, Thomas, he could literally wear anything (probably even a garbage bag) and still look fit!

Then there's his accent or basically just the fact that he's British! I mean, everybody agrees that his British accent is hot! And he even does a hilarious Scottish accent! I don't know which is hotter, to be honest. I love waking up every morning and hearing his sexy voice whispering in my ear, with my arm wrapped around his thin little waist, holding him close, protecting him from the world outside of our bed. I'll usually wake up to find him downstairs, in our little kitchen, making me a strong cup of coffee while he prefers two lumps of sugar and tea. I guess that's because he's British.

The last thing I adore about Thomas is the faces he pulls. He pulls so many cute and hilarious faces without even realising it! He'll do it at home whilst he's cooking tea or when we're cuddled up on the sofa watching the TV. He does it when he's learning his lines or when he sits and plays a game. He pulls faces at home, in restaurants, in shops, in interviews! It's adorable! But my favourite of his faces is his thinking face! He does this cute little thing with his tongue, he leans his head back slightly and stares up whilst sticking the tip of his tongue to his upper lip. I literally can't get over how sweet he looks when he does that! It makes me shiver without warning.

"Dyl! Dylan!" I heard Thomas shouting my name as he stood in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face. I guess I zoned out for a bit.

"Hey! Are you bloody awake?" He asked with a smirk creeping onto his face. I blinked and nodded at him, giving him a small smile to let him know I was listening.

"What was you thinking about, babe?" He questioned, sitting down next to me.

"You. And everything I love about you. And don't tell me I'm wrong because I know I'm right when I say that you're absolutely perfect in every way possible." I argued, placing two of my fingers on his lips to stop him from talking. He looked deep into my eyes and yet again I saw that glint of love hidden in his and slowly I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine. He carefully cupped my cheek with his hand, scooting closer to me. I pulled away hesitantly and leaned my head in his, our eyes gazing into each other whilst our noses brushed slightly together. We stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity until we were called back on set, where we had to drag ourselves away from each other unwillingly, only getting to glance lovingly at each other during filming until we could finally go back home.

That's the end of this one-shot. In my opinion it was pretty bad but ah well I tried XD
Sorry if it was too short, I'll try making the next one longer.
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