Newtmas - Glory

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Okay, so all I keep seeing all over my Tumblr dash is Newt's real name being Sam (and Thomas subsequently calling him Sammy) so here's a cute, fluff-filled one-shot based in The Fever Code!

Based on: Glory by Bastille

3rd Person POV 

A quiet rap on his door grabbed his attention. Thomas rushed to open it, smiling as he was instantly engulfed in a warm hug from his best friend – Newt.

"Come on, I've got something to show you!" Newt whispered, his voice bursting with excitement. 

Thomas didn't have chance to reply, barley managing to click his door shut, before Newt began pulling him down the familiar white-washed corridors of WICKED's headquarters. It was late at night, Thomas presumed somewhere around 11pm, and most of the headquarters' residents were asleep already. 

Thomas and Newt should be too, especially since they had a busy day tomorrow full of tests and classes, but it had become something of a tradition to meet up every other night – just the two of them. Usually, the whole gang of friends would hang out in the small janitor's room. But Thomas and Newt had a special connection, a strong bond of friendship that they couldn't ignore. 

They genuinely enjoyed each other's company and didn't mind losing valuable sleep in return for a memorable night of adventures and laughter.

Often, the two young boys would spend their nights together simply wandering through the empty corridors, whispering quietly to each other, sharing inside jokes and (although they'd never admit to it) finding any excuse to touch each other – whether that be through nudging the other by the shoulder, patting each other's backs or dragging one another down corridors.

Thomas found an oddly reassuring comfort from Newt's touch, as though finding out that all was right with the world.

"What is this place?" Thomas muttered under his breath, though loud enough for Newt to hear him, as they entered into a small, round room encased in darkness. They had taken a few turns that Thomas didn't recall, obviously an area that they had yet to explore, and then climbed up a spiral of steep stairs. 

Now, they stood in the middle of the circular room, and as Thomas looked up he gasped. Above him, he saw stars. Millions of them. Real ones!

The usual bleak ceiling was not there, instead replaced by a thick sheet of glass. A blanket of dark blue and black hung above their heads, dotted with twinkling silver stars.

Thomas let out a gleeful laugh, turning to see Newt watching him with a small smile. He hadn't expected to ever live to see the stars again, not after their last - failed - attempt of escaping outside.

"Do you like it?" Newt asked timidly.

Thomas scoffed, "Of course I do!"

The wide smile not leaving his face, Thomas lay down on the cold floor beneath them. His eyes were fixated on the city of stars above them, much like Newt's, but he sensed the blond boy lie down beside him. The warmth emitted from Newt's body being so close sent a wave of reassurance through Thomas' veins.

They lay like that for what felt like hours, though in reality it was probably mere minutes, until Newt spoke up – his voice like a gunshot in the dense silence embracing them. "Tommy, there's something I haven't told you."

Thomas remained quiet, his mind racing. Something Newt hadn't told him? But they'd told each other everything...hadn't they? He tilted his head to look at Newt, seeing that he was still looking up at the night's sky.

Humming, he let Newt know that he had heard him.

"My name, I remember it. My real name, that is, the one that my mother and father gave to me. I know that WICKED told us to forget them, but I couldn't bare to, y'know? It's one of the last things that connect me to my old life, along with Lizzy." 

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