Newtmas - All Of The Stars

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This is super short but it's for the TMR Valentine's Week on Tumblr and I loved it so...maybe grab some tissues as it ended up being sad instead of cute.

Based on: All Of The Stars by Ed Sheeran

3rd Person POV

"Tommy, open your eyes..."

Thomas shot awake, body jolting as his subconscious fell the dramatic height from dream to reality. He was drenched in a cold sweat. His clothes were stuck uncomfortably to his skin, and his hair felt greasy and flat.

But Thomas wasn't thinking about any of that, as he concentrated on the softly spoken words still echoing through his head. He knew they weren't real, knew that there was no way that he would ever get to hear that sweet voice again, yet he still clung onto every last syllable as though his life depended on it.

And maybe it did.

This wasn't the first time that Thomas had awoken suddenly from a dream. Or rather, a nightmare.

It was the same every night; he would be dragging Newt's half-limp body across the ground, he'd be fighting against Newt's will to end it all, he'd be grasping hopelessly at the small bit of hope that maybe Newt would make it. Maybe they would make it.

But it always ended the same, with Newt's lifeless body falling from his grip, his mind fuzzy and unfocused as he stared into the emotionless, glassy eyes of his soulmate.

Then he'd wake up, to Newt's whisper.

He didn't know why he did it, but Thomas turned to look behind him, eyes fixating on the cold and empty space left beside him in his bed. He was lonely.


Thomas clutched onto the closest thing – his already tear-soaked pillow. He squeezed it tight, drawing it close to his chest and burying his face into the cushioned material. Sobs racked his whole body as he let himself go, once again, mind filled with memories of a particular feathery, blonde-haired boy beaming with that infectiously bright smile.

His heart ached. It ached so badly.

A year ago, if someone were to tell Thomas just how much pain he'd be in, he'd have laughed in their faces. He'd been through too much already. So many deaths. So much heartache.

But nothing quite like this.

This was an entirely different type of pain. It was heart-wrenching. It was mind-breaking. It was soul-crushing. It felt as though there was some terrible disease encased inside his body, slowly, torturously eating away at him until one day there would be nothing left.

In all honesty, Thomas no longer doubted that people could die of a broken heart.

A good few minutes, possibly even hours, later Thomas pulled away from his pillow. It felt as though he couldn't possibly cry any more tears, his eyes stinging, red and puffy. Sniffing ungracefully, Thomas sat himself up slowly, propping his elbows on his knees and leaning forward over the side of his bed.

His head was pounding, but he wasn't sure whether that was because of all the crying or because he had another damn headache. They'd become quite a regular occurrence lately.

Every limb in his body was shaking, beyond his control, but Thomas had grown accustomed to it. His hand instinctively went to his chest, trembling fingers clutching around the familiar metal locket that hung on the leather necklace wrapped around his neck – a permanent accessory – much like a child grabbing hold of something they loved.

Thomas closed his eyes, teardrops grasping desperately to the ends of his long eyelashes, and he let out a shuddered breath. Bringing the locket up to his lips, Thomas pressed a lingering kiss to it.

When he pulled it away, he began fiddling absent-mindedly with it in his hand.

Dropping his head, the last remaining tears that clung to his eyelashes finally letting go, Thomas spoke in a hushed, almost unstable tone.

"I love you, Newt."

I'll never be over his death omg :'(

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Also, I uploaded a Newtmas edit on YouTube (search under xSiriusLupinx).

Love you guys x

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