Newtmas - Am I Wrong

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Next one-shot here! Sorry it's been so long but I needed as song to base it on.
Based on: Am I Wrong by Nico and Vinz

Thomas' POV

I stood by the open doors of the maze, gazing over the crowd of gladers that had now surrounded me.

The doors of the maze no longer closed at night and I was sick of waiting around, hiding in the Homestead every night, hoping to not be taken by the Grievers. It was useless. Eventually, there'd be none of us left. But yet, even though everyone was already aware of this fact, they still decided to do nothing about it. They just let the Creators bully us.

I wasn't going yo stand for this though. I was going off into the maze to find a way out, I just needed some supporters.

"Listen up guys!" I shouted, everyone hushed their voices, eagerly awaiting to hear what I was about to say. I knew they were all curious as to what it was I was planning on doing so I carried on my speech.

"I know that this is all a new experience for you all, and many of you are scared. You don't know what's about to happen and I get that. I don't either. But I'm not going to sit around here each night, watching my friends be snatched right out of our hands. I'm going to try and do something about this! I'm going off into the maze, tonight, and I don't care about the rules, I don't care what any of you think. I want out. I want to see the real world and if this is the only way, then so be it!" I glanced around everyone's faces, seeing their reactions. Many looked supportive, some even stepping up to stand besides me. I smiled, glad that I wasn't completely crazy.

However, others looked unsure, even disapproving. Gally obviously being one if those to not agree with me. He never had liked me. I don't even know why, exactly, but I guess you can't please everyone. He stepped forward, hands in his hips, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"You can do that. There's no way that you are off into that maze, to escape here. We've been here a lot longer than you and every day we look for a way out, yet there never is one. What makes you think that you'll miraculously find us an escape route, huh? You're just the greenie here, what do you know about the maze? He challenged, his face right up against mine.

"Hey! He knows a heck of a lot more about what's past those door than you do, Gally!" Minho shouted, stepping up to join me. I sighed in relief, happy to have someone else to do the talking. I can quite easily persuade people into doing something, but I can't win an argument with Gally.

Gally looked as though he was about to argue back but I quickly interrupted him. Not wanting to lose any of my followers.

"As I was saying, who's with me?" I asked, looking expectantly at the gladers faces.

"Nobody! Your wrong! This won't work. You'll never win!" Gally shouted, struggling against Minho's hold on him. I guess all that running made Minho strong, huh? I wish I could get those sort of muscles, then maybe I'd impress a certain someone.

"Am I wrong?" I opposed, "Am I wrong, for thinking out of the box in which we stay? For saying that I choose another way? Another way to live. I'm not trying to do what everybody else is doing, 'cause they'll be doing what they do. But I hope to change what some of you believe is right, what some of you want to do. Am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?" I pause to take a breath, and look behind me. I point to the maze entrance and continue, "I'm walking down this road, this road that I'll hopefully return home. And, I believe that I will, as will those of you that follow."

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