Newtmas - Learn To Love Again

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My 5th (I think XD) one-shot! Sorry that they're all Newtmas, hopefully the next will be a Dylmas x
Based on: Learn To Love Again by Lawson

Newt's POV

We'd not long got out of the Glade, and into the real world. Though, I have to admit, it's nothing like I'd expected. I thought that our families would be there, waiting nervously to see us once again, yet in reality, there was nobody. No one was there to greet us. We were all alone. For the second time in my life that I could remember.

But I couldn't complain. Most of us managed to get out safely. That was, until Gally arrived out of nowhere, holding a shotgun. Now we lost Chuck too, one of the most likeable guys left in our little group. Though I'd rather not talk about it. He kind of left a hole in our little gang.

Everyone was still in mourning, having only just lost him. Thomas was suffering the worst though. He still hadn't quite admitted that Chuck was gone. He kept acting as if any minute now, the sweet, kind hearted lad would walk in through the door, laughing as if it was all a massive prank. Only, I knew that wasn't the case, and I knew that Thomas would need to realise that soon.

But for now I decided to let him be, let him mourn in peace. So that night, once we had all settled down in our separate rooms, I lay in my cold, empty bed, worrying about Thomas. I knew he wouldn't do anything stupid, but that didn't help me relax. It also didn't help that I wasn't used to sleeping by myself, either.

Ever since Thomas had arrived in the Glade, I had to share a bed with him, since there were no current beds available for him and none of the other gladers were prepared to sleep with the greenie.

Only, not even a week later, I believe, me and Tommy started dating. There was just something about him that I found different from the others. Something unique, something amazing. And apparently, he found that in me. So even when the builders had managed to fix up a brand new bed for Thomas, he didn't sleep in it. He claimed that it was too cold, and that he didn't want to leave me alone, but we all know that wasn't the real reason. Not that I minded. I happily let him stay in my bed.

So obviously, I wasn't used to sleeping on my own anymore. I don't think I've slept on my own for months now. But I guess I'll have to, at least for tonight. Hopefully, Thomas will be feeling better by tomorrow...


When morning finally came around I jumped out of my bed, not bothering with putting my shirt back on. It was too warm outside anyway. Instead, I ran down the corridor to Tommy's room and burst in, wanting to see if he was feeling any better. Yet, when I got in, I saw that the room was completely empty. No signs of life in there at all.

I started to panic, wondering where he could have gone so early in the morning. Especially since we barely knew the place. We had only just arrived the night before.

I quickly backed out of the room and made my way down to Minho's room. Knocking before entering, I walked into his room to find him sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked exhausted.

"Hey." I said, going over to sit next to him. For the moment I had forgotten about Thomas, too distracted with Minho, my closest friend. "You OK? You look shattered." I stated bluntly.

He lifted his head to look at me and gave me a small, tired smile. "Yeah. Just tired, I guess. Didn't really get much sleep last night. What with everything that's happened." He replied. He didn't sound like his usual, happy self, but that was understandable. Who would be after all that we've been put through, only to find out that we were probably better off back where we had just tried so hard escaping from. I placed my hand on his back in a comforting gesture, and reassured him that we would find a way through it all. My little pep talk seemed to brighten his mood up a bit, at least i believe so, since he now held a cheerier smile, as he stood up to stretch.

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