Dylmas - Get Ugly

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Based on: Get Ugly by Jason Derulo

Dylan's POV

Today started off as a normal day, I was busy setting up the cameras and lighting when I heard the door by the far end of the room open up. Instantly, the atmosphere in the room shifted, a tension slowly building as the model walked to the spot that they had been directed to.

At first, I didn't look up, my focus on sorting out the wires and other equipment, but when I finally did I wish I had sooner. Standing in front of the white screen, was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

He had: gorgeous, blonde, feathery hair; fair, flawless skin; a lean, thin figure and plump lips pursed in a slight pout. He kept a sharp gaze on me as I stood up, straightening my back and fiddling around with the settings of the camera. It was silent, just the two of us left in here now since everyone else had done their bits.

"Right, umm . . . could you just, yeah, sorry, just . . . just stand their. We'll start serious and then loosen it up a bit, yeah?" I stuttered, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment. I didn't notice the small smirk crawling onto his lips as I kept my gaze on the floor.

He stood still, a dreamy look focused on the camera lens as we began the photoshoot. His serious aura was intimidating, I was used to laughing and upbeat shoots.

As we continued, I began to relax, occasionally having to switch up the positions. He too began loosening up, his body not so tense and his smile becoming more genuine.

"So, I think that's just about it." I said, clicking through the photos.

"Right, umm . . . good." he spoke, his low, British accent echoing through the room.

"Unless, of course, you'd like to do a few casual ones?" I hinted, hoping that he would stay longer. I didn't even know who he was but I was somehow drawn to him, despite his professional personality.

"Yeah, sure." he replied, standing awkwardly on the spot.

I nodded my head, walking around to switch up the lighting. As I did, I decided to begin a conversation in the hopes of learning something about this mysterious fella.

"So, how many shoots have you done before?" I asked, quickly glancing over in his direction.

"Umm . . . thi-this is my . . . ugh I don't know really." he stammered, a nervous laugh escaping his mouth at the same time.

"You've done a lot then?"

"Yeah . . . it gets kinda boring after a while. Not that I don't enjoy doing them, just, they lose the initial excitement, if you get what I mean?"

"Yeah, yeah, I do. Like, I used to be so overwhelmed getting to meet so many celebrities, but now it's kind of become the norm . . . " I explained, strolling back over to the camera, "So, what did you want to do?"

"Oh, umm . . . I don't know. What would you recommend?" he laughed, his eyes following every one of my movements.

I thought for a bit before, running off to the other side of the room, grabbing a chair and rushing straight back.

"Here, sit on this." I said, quickly standing besides the camera again. He did as I had asked, a confused look on his face. "Trust me, these always come out great." I reassured him, beginning to snap photos of him as he posed on the small wooden chair, his face returning to the serious expression he held when he first came in.

"Perfect." I breathed, taking down the camera from it's stand and carefully packing the equipment up.

"When will they be ready to publish?" he asked, walking over to me.

"Umm . . . It's not certain but they usually take between two to three weeks." I told him, my eyes meeting his firm gaze. "You know, I never got you're name." I flirted, awaiting his reaction.

From what I could tell, he was very serious with his work. A professional. But he was a bit of a nerd when he was just being himself, it was cute. He was nervous and shy and clearly didn't realise how attractive he was, despite the fact that he was a model.

"Ha, and why would you want that?" he asked, a burst of confidence rushing through him.

"Maybe I want to take you on a date?" I hinted, throwing a cheeky wink in too, as he blushed a light shade of pink. He didn't reply, just cleared his throat and began to walk away towards the door.

My heart fell as I cursed myself under my breath. That was too far; I'd scared him off now! I furrowed my eyebrows, continuing to pack away the stuff around me as I heard the door be pulled open.

"Thomas . . . it's Thomas." he spoke before the door fell shut, his retreating footsteps echoing down the hall.

Woo! This wasn't great but hey, I tried, I only wanted to do a short one to keep you all entertained whilst I work on my book! It's hopefully going to be amazing!

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Love you guys x

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