Dylmas - Winter Wonderland

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Woo! Another One-Shot for you all. I hope it's okay.

Happy Boxing Day! Hope you're relaxing!

Based on: Winter Wonderland by Michael Bublé (yeah, I know he doesn't sing the original but I love this version and also Michael Bublé is a staple in my Christmas!)

3rd Person POV

"Ah!" Thomas cried as he put his phone down, dropping his head into his hands with an exasperated sigh.

Dylan came rushing into the kitchen, skidding to a halt, almost immediately. "What's up, babe? Are you okay?"

Thomas couldn't help the smile that appeared at Dylan's obvious worry. Nodding, he replied, "Yeah, 'm fine. My sister just rang though; she's decided they're coming round today instead of Wednesday."

"But it's only Monday!"

"Exactly!" Thomas exlaimed, lifting his head to meet his boyfriend of three years' eyes. "We haven't even begun decorating yet! And I still have to go shopping for everything we need."

Dylan remained silent, wlaking over to Thomas and standing behind where he was sat. He moved his hand to the back of Thomas' bare neck, fingers playing with the ends of his blonde hair. A small sigh could ve heard escaping Thomas' slighly parted lips as he allowed his eyes to slide shut. Dylan moved his hand, slowly massaging Thomas' scalp, as he thought up a plan.

After a moment, Dylan spoke. "Tell you what, you go do the shopping, make sure you get everything on the list as well as snacks for the kids whilst I do the decorating."

Thomas sat up, looking at Dylan, who's hand was now resting on the small of Thomas' back. "Really? Would that be okay? Because I know how excited the kids are to see the decorations and I'd hate to let them down but I also don't want to out you under too much stress." Thomas rambled.

"Ssh, hey, hey, it's fine. I came up with the idea, didn't I?" Dylan reassured Thomas, placing his index finger over the other's lips.

Thomas visibly relaxed, stress oozing out of him as he mulled over the idea. Finally, he nodded. "Okay, yeah. That sounds good."

With a smile, Dylan moved away, heading in the direction of the boxes of unopened Christmas decorations.

Whilst Dylan began emptying box after box of decorations - baubles, tinsel and fairy lights thrown across the living-room floor - Thomas gathered some shopping bags, mentally listing some good snacks that he thought his young niece and nephew would enjoy.

* * *

"I'm back!" Thomas called out as he entered his and Dylan's shared house. Kicking off his shoes and placing the full bags of shopping onto the kitchen counter, he checked the time.

15:29. Still an hour and a half until they arrived.

Once Thomas had put the shopping away, he went in search for Dylan. He could faintly hear angry muttering coming from the living-room and so he headed straight there. However, he was not prepared for the sight that he was presented with.

Dylan was stood in the middle of the room, stretching as high as he could in an attempt to rescue some green tinsel that had somehow got tangled around the ceiling light. Thomas, for a brief moment, had been distracted by the glimpse of pale skin exposed from where Dylan's jumper had ridden up. But he soon focused on the more important issue in the room.

"Baby, how on Earth did you get tinsel up there?" He questioned, stepping into the room an making his presence known.

Dylan froze, lowering his arms and looking at Thomas. "Umm...I don't entirely know." He admitted.

Thomas chuckled, shaking his head fondly.

As he did so, he took in his surroundings, eyes widening. A tall Christmas tree stood by the window, every inch covered in bright lights and shimmering baubles. Tinsel hung from every shelf, the mirror and the TV. Ceiling hangings were pinned above their heads and snowflake decorations covered the once bare walls.

"Wow, you really go overboard with the decorations, don't you?" Thomas laughed, eyes hurting from the many lights in the room. "It looks like Santa threw up in here!"

Dylan looked down at his feet, his shoulders sagging. "I really tried. I'm just not as good at this as you are! Every year you manage to organise everything perfectly so that it looks like a real Winter Wonderland. All I can do is, well, whatever this is."

Thomas rushed over to Dylan, hugging him close and rubbing his back. "Hey! I didn't say it looked bad. Maybe just a bit too much? If we take some stuff down, it'll look perfect. In fact, no, it'll look more than perfect!" He reassured, heart fluttering as he saw a hopeful smile spread over Dylan's face.

The two got to work, taking some fairy lights off of the tree and moving decorations around so that it wasn't as clustered. When they were eventually finished, the room looked amazing.

They stood in the middle of the room, admiringtm their work. Thomas checked his watch and saw that they still had 10 minutes to spare until Thomas' sister, her husband and their two kids arrived.

Dylan looked up, suddenly bursting into laughter as he saw that the tinsel was still stuck on the light. Thomas, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, followed Dylan's gaze and cracked a smile as he saw the reason for Dylan's laughter.

"Niether of us can reach." Dylan observed.

Thomas thought for a moment, smirking as he came up with an idea. "Get on my back." He demanded, crouching to his knees.

Dylan hesitated for a second before climbing onto Thomas' back, his legs gripping onto Thomas' hips and his arms wrapped around Thomas' neck. Thomas carefully stood up, aware that Dylan could quite easily fall if he moved too suddenly.

"Try now." Thomas said once he was straightened up. Dylan did as he said, easily reaching for the tinsel and pulling it down. With a smile, he pressed a kiss to Thomas' cheek before he hopped off of his back, landing on his feet.

Thomas spun around, meeting Dylan's gaze. "I think you missed." He said, slyly, a smirk on his face. Dylan just chuckled, planting a chaste kiss to Thomas' lips, melting the smirk off of his face.

"Better?" Dylan asked innocently, cocking his head to the side.

"Better." Thomas nodded, wrapping his arms around Dylan's waist.

Dylan smiled, reaching to tie the tinsel in his hand around the top of Thomas' head - quite like a green halo. Thomas rose an eyebrow questioningly, but just received another short but sweet kiss.

With a playful laugh, Thomas pulled Dylan into a tight hug. "You'd make a terrible Santa." He said, referring to Dylan's previous decoration disaster. "But I love you regardless." Thomas finished, leaning down to capture Dylan's unsuspecting lips in a passion-filled kiss.

Okay, so, was that even any good? I'm not sure. The concept I had was cute and I really hope I pulled it off.

Anyways, please Vote, Comment and Share :)

Love you guys x

Also, if you have any suggestions you want me to write then leave a comment (or send a message) because I've quite enjoyed writing these over the past 3 days - even though they're only short.

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