Dylmas - U.N.I.

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Hey! Another One-Shot coming right up ;)

Based on: U.N.I. by Ed Sheeran

Dylan's POV

I woke up around 6am and what should I see? Only Thomas' sweater, left forgotten on the chair besides my bed. The only evidence that he'd been here before.

I groaned, slipping out from under my covers. Slowly walking over to the window to open the curtains, I shielded my eyes from the blinding sun. My alarm suddenly started blaring out, reminding me that I would soon need to be setting off for work. I quickly turned it off, before turning to grab Thomas' sweater. It was his favourite red one, the one that he wore on our first date. I held in a sob, trying not to be reminded of the good times that we'd had together. It was my fault anyway, that we weren't still dating.

We'd been dating for a couple of months, and it was going great. The only problem was, I wasn't really used to long term relationships.

Everybody said that we'd be together forever, but I knew that I never wanted to settle down. It was then that I started to realise what a huge mistake I was making. I couldn't carry on dating Thomas, leading him on like this, when I knew that there was never going to be a future for us. So I decided to end it. I told him that I wasn't ready for this and then I kind of just left. I haven't seen him since, apart from when he came to pack his stuff. The guys had invited us out to parties and things but I always avoided them, and from what I've heard, so does Thomas. And since the break up, me and Thomas haven't shared any interview together. I guess that makes life a whole lot easier.

But that was all about to change. Because today was the first day of filming The Scorch Trials. There was no escaping it, we were going to have to speak to each other at some point. So I got ready for work, making sure that I had Thomas' sweater packed in my bag. I mean, just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean that he won't want his clothes back. And then, after checking that I had everything, I set off...


Thomas' POV

I was just hanging around set with Ki Hong Lee, catching up, when suddenly, he nudged me in the ribs. Quite harshly, might I add. I gave him an annoyed glare before looking over to what had caught his attention.

I froze when I saw none other than Dylan O'ShuckingBrien headed straight for us. Great. Just what I needed. I mean, I knew that we'd have to see each other but I was kind of hoping that we wouldn't really have to interact.

He stopped once he reached us and immediately pulled his bag off of his back. Then he pulled out a sweater. An oddly familiar sweater. After staring at it for ages it suddenly dawned on me that that was my sweater! My favourite, in fact! How had I not noticed it being missing?

"Y...You left this at mine." He said, nervously as he handed the sweater over to me. I gave him a weak smile before grabbing it and walking away, over to my cabin.

Everyone in the cast had a cabin on set that they had to share with somebody else. It was basically a simple caravan where we could relax, get away from the drama, or go over our lines in peace. I really hoped that I was sharing mine with Ki Hong, he was my closest mate, especially after the break up.

Unfortunately, just my luck really, when I arrived outside my cabin the name under mine was not Ki Hong's. In fact, it was Dylan's. I laughed sarcastically as I yanked the door open, storming into the cabin.

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