Newtmas - Poison

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Hey! I'm back again! Haha, I hope you enjoy this :)

Based on: Poison by Rita Ora (the NightCore version)

Newt's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The constant buzz of my alarm pulsed through my head and I groaned, bringing a hand up to my face and rubbing my eyes. The early beams of sunlight crept through the gap between my curtains and danced across the bare white walls of my bedroom.

Slowly, I sat up, my duvet cover left strewn across the bed as I leant to switch off my alarm. I hated that thing.

The crisp air of late summer prickled at my skin, causing the hairs on my arm to stand up on edge.

Yawning, I stretched my body upwards, my arms reaching up as I did so. When I finally relaxed, my bod feeling a bit less stiff, I glanced at the calendar that hung above my bedside table. I was certain that I had something to do today...

Shaking my head, deciding that I'll probably remember later, I slipped out of my bed, my bare feet sinking into the soft carpet below. My joggers hung loosely on my hips as I walked over to my bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way.

I started to run the shower, switching on my portable radio as I waited for the water to heat up. Eventually, I stepped into the shower and hummed softly to the tune of the radio as I felt the warm water run down my bare skin, loosening each muscle one by one. I closed my eyes, titling my head back and allowing the water to drown my matted hair.

A few minutes later I was walking back into my bedroom, the towel from earlier wrapped around my waist.

I ran a hand through my damp hair as I searched for a suitable outfit for today. I finally decided on a tight black t-shirt that said 'The Killers' over the chest and a pair of black skinny jeans. Slipping on a pair of white socks I grabbed my phone and went to make my usual morning coffee.

As the kettle boiled, I unlocked my phone, noticing that I had one new message. My brows furrowed together slightly as I opened the message, seeing that it was from my ex.

'Hey, I'm off out for the day so you're free to pick up your stuff anytime you want. My roommate will probs be there but don't worry, he's no trouble.'

I sighed, the whistle of the kettle dying out in the background. I forgot about my stuff.

My mood slightly down compared to a minute earlier, I poured the freshly boiled water into my mug and used a teaspoon to stir the coffee in. The wisps of steam rose into the air before disappearing.

I grabbed the mug and my phone and sat down at my little table, scrolling through Facebook as I waited for my coffee to cool before I drank it.

The minutes passed quickly and before I knew it it was almost noon. Sighing in defeat I turned my phone off, slipping it into my back pocket and putting my mug down by the sink. I could wash that later.

I stepped into the narrow hallway of my apartment, putting on my green converse and jacket before grabbing my keys and leaving. Outside wasn't too cold; the heat of the sun soaked my skin as I walked down the street. It was just the harsh wind that was cold.

My apartment was about a five minute walk away from the University campus, where I studied Performing Arts and English Literature. It was also where my ex stayed because they lived in one of the dorm rooms. To me, living in a dorm wasn't quite what I wanted to do – I'm quite a quiet person and like my own space.

However, whilst I had been dating Aris I had spent plenty of time in the dorms and I have to be honest, it's not that bad.

I soon arrived at the old building and after showing my ID card to the woman sat at the desk I walked up the two flights of stairs to get to the correct floor.

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