Newtmas - Feels Like Christmas

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So I was setting up the presents for later today (it only just turned Christmas for me) and my friend (who knows nothing about Newt from TMR) sent a picture of Isaac Newton and said Happy Birthday to him. Yes. I can't believe it either. Isaac Newton's birthday is literally on Christmas! This is because when he was born there were less days in a year (or something like that), I'll include the picture my friend sent.

Anyways, it inspired this cute moment for today's one-shot so I hope you like it!

Based on (or not really, but it's my new favourite Christmas song so please listen to it): Feels Like Christmas by Panic! At The Disco.

3rd Person POV

“Happy birthday, babe!” Thomas exclaimed, walking into his and his boyfriend's shared bedroom as he carefully balanced a tray with one arm (the other opening the door).

Newt groaned, rolling onto his back and throwing an arm over his eyes to block the light. "What time is it?" he slurred, voice thick with sleep.

"6." Thomas replied, placing the tray down onto the bedside table on Newt's side of the double bed. There was: a glass of fresh orange juice, A cup of steaming coffee, a plate of toast and butter, a card in a white envelope and a single rose.

"In the morning!" Newt exclaimed. "Bloody hell, Tommy. Really?"

Thomas just bounced in his position on the bed, quite like an excited puppy, his smile growing wider. "Newt! You know I like to be up early on Christmas day! Especially since it's your birthday too."

Newt just hummed fondly, smiling as he carefully sat himself up. He used his pillows to prop himself against the headboard behind him, moving the tray to rest on his lap.

"Wow, this looks amazing, love." He whispered, taking in the effort that his boyfriend had made.

He took a small sip of orange juice, sighing in delight as the cool liquid slipped down his throat.

"Thanks, babe." Newt said, leaning forward to peck Thomas' lips. Thomas sighed into the kiss, smiling to himself as Newt pulled away because he could faintly taste orange juice on his lips.

"Don't mention it."

Newt began to eat his breakfast, often leaning over to feed Thomas some toast. He also frequently complimented Thomas on his hard work.

Eventually, Newt finished and just as he was placing the tray to his side and reached for the card, Thomas stopped him. Newt cocked an eyebrow, watching as Thomas leant under the bed and pulled out a small box wrapped in colourful paper.

"I know you told me not to actually get you anything for your birthday Happy birthday." Thomas said, blushing slightly as he handed the present over to Newt.

Newt didn't bother to hide the smile on his face as he carefully peeled the paper off. Underneath it was a small black box, leather coated. Slowly, Newt opened the box, gasping as he saw the contents that lay within.

Inside sat a dainty silver chain, with a diamond encrusted snowflake charm. Newt picked it up, gently, examining it better as it rested in the palm of his hand.

"I-It's beautiful, Tommy." He muttered, "Where did you find it?"

Looking up to finally meet Thomas' worried eyes, he felt his heart flutter. The amount of love that he was feeling for this young man sat in front of him, his boyfriend of almost four years, was unbelievable. It was almost overwhelming!

"I couldn't tell you; that'd give away the secret." Thomas replied, finally relaxing as he saw Newt's more than positive reaction to the present. He knew that Newt wasn't one to celebrate his birthday, particularly because of how it fell so awkwardly on Christmas, but he couldn't resist this year.

Newt smiled, eyes tearing up as he looked once more at the beautiful necklace in his hand. "C-Can you put it on for me?" He asked, stammering over his words as he struggled to push them past the growing lump in his throat.

Thomas nodded, rushing over to take the necklace from Newt's grip. With great care, he wrapped the chain around Newt's neck (making sure that the snowflake was facing the correct way) and secured the back. He ran his hands over Newt's shoulders, leaning closer to his boyfriend so that he could kiss his cheek.

"I love you." He whispered into Newt's ear, lips brushing over the top of the blonde's ear, causing Newt to shiver under the touch.

"Love you too," Newt replied, leaning his head back so that he could look at Thomas (not really caring that he was technically upside down), "Always."

With that, their lips met in a sweet kiss full of passion and love. It wasn't a very long kiss, nor did it get too needy, but it held just as much - if not more - meaning than any other kiss.

When they pulled away from each other, Thomas beamed, his eyes brightening up like children's at the sight of fresh snow.

"Is it time to open up our Christmas present now then?" he asked, rocking on the balls of his feet. Newt could feel the excitement and anticipation radiating off of him; Thomas had always been a huge fan of Christmas. He was a child at heart.

Nodding, Newt dragged himself out of bed, fingers resting on the snowflake that hung just below his collarbones. The blonde walked out of the cosy bedroom, leaving behind everything else as he followed his boyfriend, smiling softly at his excitement.

It might not be how most people envisioned spending their birthday, nor how most people planned their Christmas mornings, but for Thomas and Newt this was their tradition and it worked perfectly. Just like them.

Ahh! This wasn't that great, I'm so sorry, and it's super short! I literally wrote it on my phone right now (it's just turned 1:03am as I'm typing). I should probably sleep...I'm gonna be up early for my little brother and I also have work haha.


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Love you guys x

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