Newtmas - Hello

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Another one-shot guys! I think this is possibly my first supernatural one-shot? Maybe? I don't remember :/ Anyways, this was inspired by a one-shot called 'His Angel Was The Devil' I read by Stupid-little-Things . Please check out her stories, they're amazing!!!
Based on: Hello by Adele

3rd Person POV

Life in Hell couldn't exactly be called 'easy'. At least, not in Newt's opinion . . .

Newt had ended up in hell after he committed suicide. It was deemed cowardly and disrespectful towards the life you was given. But to Newt, life wasn't something to worship and be grateful for. Life was a horrible experience, filled with no fun or enjoyment. Or at least, his life wasn't . . . not much anyway . . . not enough to want to be alive.

In Hell, if you'd committed suicide, you became a Death Demon. Death Demon's were still human looking, but they had a pair of dark wings that were almost the complete size of their body! Looming over their heads, the feathers slightly worn, rough-looking pair of wings. Though Newt had grown to love his. He liked having them, they were the only part of him that he liked.

Death Demon's also had a specific job, separate to those others in Hell. As you can tell by the name, it wasn't a particularly nice job. In fact, it was the total opposite of nice.

Death Demon's had the ability to travel between Hell and Earth. Only, this then gave the leaders of Hell, a good idea. Death Demon's were assigned the job of having to kill innocent humans. Just for the fun of it, really.

Now, Newt quite enjoys his job. He's dead anyway, and now that he's been to Earth and killed people, it's almost like a daily addiction. Newt doesn't care that they have a life and family.

Because Newt didn't get that.

So you could say, in a way, Newt kills these people due to jealousy. Jealous that they enjoy living. Jealous that they have a family that cares for them. Jealous that they have friends to go out with. Just jealous!

So one day, Newt awoke, and after dressing, he walked down to the hall. As he walked through the Death Demon's corridor, he picked up on a few Demon's discussing their last job. Some went into quite a bit of detail.

Once he arrived at the hall, he went straight to the desk in the far right corner that was filled with sheets and forms. Picking a sheet up, he grabbed a few daggers by the side, shoving them into his belt hook and one in the side of his boot before leaving.

He didn't bother to read the sheet, only taking a note of the address he had to go to, before he set off.

Large, grey wings, flapped above his head, as he slowly rose up. Newt enjoyed flying, he got to see the whole world beneath him and feel the breeze rushing into his face. It was his way of letting loose, and if he could've flied before he died, maybe, just maybe, Newt may not have committed suicide.

When Newt finally arrived at his destination, he hovered above the building, searching for the right place to land. It looked like a block of apartments, all modern. Beige brick walls and a tiled roof. Clean windows and sliding doors that lead out onto each apartments individual balcony. Some filled with plants, others empty.

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