Dylmas - In The Name Of Love

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Hey! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! <3

Here's a nice long one for you all ;)

Special thanks to my friend KieranSilk for helping me brainstorm the idea! I hope it turned out as good as the plan did, haha :) x

Based on: In The Name Of Love by Martin Garrix

3rd Person POV

Dylan shifted in his seat until he was pressed up against Thomas' chest, the blonde's arm draped over his shoulders as they watched the movie. If he was being honest, Dylan didn't even know what movie was playing. Not that he was paying much attention to it anyway.

Thomas chuckled at something on the screen, sending vibrations rushing through Dylan.

"What?" Thomas asked, the ghost of a smile resting on his lips as he glanced down at Dylan, who was now staring up at him.

"Nothing was just thinking." Dylan answered, not breaking eye contact.

Thomas shifted his body so that he could look at Dylan properly, his arm still keeping the younger of the two close to him. "About?"

"What would happen if plants could talk?"

Thomas was silent for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he threw his head back. To Dylan, he looked beautiful. "I-I don't know, love." He stuttered in between laughs.

Dylan watched, eyes shining, as his boyfriend continued to laugh. Eventually each laugh became quieter, until Thomas only occasionally snickered. Thomas tried to keep his face straight as he looked back down at his boyfriend, who quickly turned his face away and towards the television.

"What's this movie 'bout anyway?" Dylan asked after a minute's silence.

Thomas was too distracted watching Dylan intently, analysing every detail of the brunette's face - how his eyes glistened from the television screen; the stray strands of hair that had escaped the clutches of hairspray, sticking up in random directions; the way that his tongue darted out, swiping across his pink lips and disappearing again – that he didn't hear Dylan's voice.

Huffing, Dylan jabbed Thomas' ribs with his elbow, hoping to catch his boyfriend's attention.

"Oi!" Dylan shouted jokingly, clicking his fingers in front of Thomas' face.

"W-Wha?" Thomas looked confused. Dylan laughed at him, shaking his head as he turned to get comfortable again.

"I said," Dylan spoke, exaggerating his words, "What's the movie about?"

Thomas glanced up at the screen, the muffled words of the people inside the box barely understandable to him, "Honestly, I have no bloody clue."

* * *

(Present Day)

Thomas rummaged through the clutter on the table, papers and books being pushed aside in his mad rush.

"There!" he whispered to himself, a flood of relief rushing through him as he picked up the piece of paper and read over it.

"What's that, sir?" came a voice behind him.

Thomas turned around to look at the younger man and smiled, holding up the paper to show him.

"The plans for today. As long as we follow these correctly, all should go well." He smiled.

The other nodded, gesturing to look at the paper. Thomas handed it over, going back to neaten the mess that he'd made.

Sam – he believed was the younger man's name – placed the paper back down on the table, beside Thomas' hand. Thomas heard him walking away, probably to gather his things for today.

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