Newtmas - Skinny Love

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Warning! This one is sad so you can skip if you want!
Based on: Skinny Love by Birdy

3rd Person POV

Newt couldn't believe it! Of all people to lie to him it had to be his Tommy! What did he do wrong? Was he not good enough for him?

"Why...why would you do" He stammered, tears falling down his cheeks. Though, right now he couldn't care less about making a fool of himself. Thomas doesn't care anyway he thought, spitefully.

"Because! I was sick and tired of it all! You don't own me!" Thomas shouted in anger. This really hurt Newt because he thought that he meant the world to Thomas. He thought that they agreed to tell each other everything. Yet clearly that wasn't the case...not anymore at least...

Newt had made sure that Thomas knew every single thing about him. Everything from his worst fears to his biggest secrets. Thomas knew them all. And Newt thought that he knew everything about Thomas. But he thought wrong. And now, Newt didn't know if he could trust Thomas anymore. His Tommy.

What if he's told everyone! Newt panicked. Surely he wouldn't stoop that low. But how could Newt know for sure. Not after what he's just found out. Even if Thomas said he didn't, Newt didn't know if he could trust him now. Not now. He's already broken that trust bond they once shared. The bond that was once stronger than a giant boulder.

Newt couldn't take it any longer. Everything from his past came crushing down on him. He stormed out of the Homestead and made his way over to the doors. It was still early in the day so he had a few hours until they started to close for the night. Without hesitation, Newt rushed off into the maze, disappearing out of Thomas' sight.


After an hour or so of searching, Thomas heard soft whimpers coming from around the corner. He glanced around to find none other than Newt sat huddled in a ball, crying quietly to himself. Just as he was about to go over to him and yell at him for going off into the maze on his own, Newt stood up. He dusted down his clothes and dried his now red, watery eyes. Thomas quickly hid back around the corner so that he wasn't seen. He didn't want Newt rushing off further into the maze alone. He didn't know the maze as well as Thomas did, and with his limp, it was highly unlikely that he would make it back to the Glade in time. Any further than this and he was doomed. So Thomas decided to stay where he was for another hour. If Newt doesn't move by then, he'll force him back to the Glade. He doesn't want him to be stuck in the maze.

But to Thomas' surprise, Newt didn't choose to move anywhere. Well, he didn't go away from where he was stood. Instead, he started to climb the ivy behind him.

Thomas stood there, confused, as he watched Newt struggle up the wall. He kept missing the ivy or losing his footing, causing him to not move very far. But after a few failed attempts and a couple of scratches on his hands and knees, he started to get the hang of it; moving up the wall at a now greater speed, a determined look in his eyes. Thomas was still confused as to what exactly Newt was trying to do, until it hit him. He thought back to a few months ago, when Newt told him his biggest secret.


"Thomas? T...Tommy?" Newt stuttered, looking in their room for his boyfriend. He found him lying on the bed relaxing after a hard day in the maze. Slowly, Newt made his way over to the side of the bed and sat down on the corner by Thomas' feet. Thomas opened his eyes, curious as to what Newt wanted.

"Yeah?" He asked sitting up and putting his arm around Newt's in order to calm him down a bit. He looked like he needed comforting.

Newt glanced up at him, blinking through the tears. He sniffled quietly before speaking. "You know you said that we should tell each other everything?" He asked. Thomas nodded his head, letting Newt know that he remembered. "Well, I haven't been totally honest with you."

Thomas was hurt that Newt hadn't told the truth but he couldn't stay mad at his adorable boyfriend so he just leant in and gave him a quick, innocent peck on the lips. "It doesn't matter." He said, meaning it when he said it. Newt smiled and snuggled closer to Thomas before starting to speak again.

"Well, it's about my limp." He started, taking a shaky breath before continuing. "I didn't get it by falling into the box." Thomas sat patiently, listening intently. "I got it long before you came. And I'm honestly ashamed of it. It all happened one day, not long after I arrived in the Glade. Everyone got on fine with each other, just not with me. I stood out from everyone else but I didn't know why. So they didn't really accept me. They wouldn't let me sleep in the Homestead, I couldn't eat with the rest of them either. I had to sit alone by the log. They didn't allow me to help with the jobs apart from digging up the weeds. They claimed that if I touched anything of theirs, I'd spread the disease. Only I didn't understand. So one day, when I was wondering through the maze alone, I spotted a patch of ivy that reached up to the top of the wall. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I started climbing. I climbed right to the top, until I was sat on the wall. I don't think anyone had ever gone up there, but you could see the whole maze in a birds eye view, it was amazing. Only I wasn't there for the view. So I stood up, careful not to stumble. When I was stood, I considered forgetting the whole idea and just going back to the Glade but I just couldn't do it. I hated it there, Tommy." He explained, sniffling occasionally.

Thomas sat silently, waiting for him to finish his story.

"That's when I gained all the courage I needed. I held my breath and jumped. Unfortunately for me, at the time, I landed in an awkward position and only fractured my ankle. Leaving me with a permanent limp. When I was found later that day by Alby and taken back to the Glade I was accepted more. I think the fact that I'd attempted suicide made them realise what they were doing. But I promise you I would never do that again." He finished. Thomas sat there in shock for a while as his brain processed what he'd just been told. It scared him that Newt had ever felt that bad that he had gone to such measures, but Thomas was glad that he would never do that again...

Thomas panicked when he realised that this was the patch of ivy Newt had mentioned. He was going to jump! He searched the walls looking for some more ivy, thanking the Gods when he saw some not too far away. He rushed over to it and scrambled up the wall, having to take a leap of faith at the top since Newt was climbing the only bit that reached fully to the top. But he was too late. When he got to the top he saw Newt already stood there. He glance back at Thomas, his eyes slightly widened since he didn't really expect to see him there.

Thomas reached out his hand, tentitivly. "Please, Newt, Please." He whispered, trying to grab ahold of him but he was too far away, Thomas was about an inch off. Newt glumly shook his head at him, pain covering his eyes.

Newt took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was done with this world, with this life. It was all too much. He thought that he was over it, that he'd recovered, but clearly he hadn't. Thomas was the glue holding him together...

"This is the end of all your lies." He stated, broken heartedly to Thomas. To Tommy.

Tears appeared in Thomas' eyes. If only he hadn't lied. But it was too late now, Newt was already dead inside. There'd be no point trying to save him, he'd just do this again tomorrow. Thomas should have known. He'd been warned many times before. And now Thomas had pushed Newt over the edge.

And with that, Newt jumped.

'Cut off all the ropes and let me fall.'

Oh My God I'm so sorry :( But the idea came into my head when I was listening to the lyrics.

Vote if you liked it! And let me know if you like it in 3rd Person or not. If you guys do I'll do a bit of 3rd person and a bit of 1st person in my later one-shots.

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