Newtmas - A Thousand Years

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Sorry for such a long wait! For those of you who don't follow me, I've been on holiday the past two weeks so there was no way of me to update my stories. But I'm back now so no worries!
Based on: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

3rd Person POV

Newt had lived in the Glade for over three years now. Many gladers had come and gone, though many of them became close friends of Newt's.

Newt was a very likeable person. Quiet, he kept to himself a lot, but great company all the same. He was a very open person, always there for his friends. That's probably why many stayed with him. They always felt thay they could be themselves around him, that they wouldn't get judged. Everyone knew everything about Newt . . . or at least they thought that they did.

There was one thing that Newt hadn't told anybody. Not even his closest friends.

Newt remembered things. Things from before the Glade. Things that he didn't think any of the others could recall.

Maybe it was a glitch in the memory wipe. Maybe it was planned. Newt didn't know. But there was one thing Newt did know . . . he couldn't tell anyone.

They wouldn't believe him. They'd think he'd gone mad! Finally, after all these years, he's lost it. That's what they'd say. He'd get ignored. Treat differently.

And Newt didn't want that.

So he kept quiet. There was no point risking it.

You see, Newt can remember bits, just small glimpses, from before he arrived in the Glade. Just a few memories. But memories all the same. Important reminders for Newt, reminders as to why he needs to find a way out of here. A way to go back. Back to the real world.

Thomas. Thomas was his name. Thomas was the one who haunted Newt's dreams. A boy who he doesn't remember knowing but he knows that he did.

Thomas. His boyfriend.

Or his ex - boyfriend.

Newt wasn't sure if they still classed as dating.

Newt wasn't even sure if Thomas still remembered him. How would he? He'd been gone for years now. There was absolutely no way.

But Newt like to keep positive. How can he love when he's afraid?

So he waits for the day that they can finally be together again. The day when they can kiss under the stars at night, paddle in the small river behind the woods, climb up high in the trees by his house and admire the view. The day when Thomas will hold him in his strong arms, protecting him from the rest of the world. The day when he can look into those beautiful eyes, only this time, they'll really be in front of him. They won't just be a dream.

Each day is one step closer. One step that brings his lover closer to him, whether it be through his memories or for real, he doesn't know. But Newt knows that one day, they will be rejoined.

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