Newtmas - Elevated

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I wrote this one-shot really quickly because the idea came in my head, so I'm sorry if it's terrible, I tried :(

Based on: Elevated by RKCB (Christofi Remix)

3rd Person POV

Bright lights. Shouts. Beep after beep after beep.

The sound of wheels gliding smoothly along tiled floor filled Newt's head, merging with the muffled mutters of people surrounding him. Groaning, Newt blinked open his eyes, but winced as the dazzling white lights from the ceiling above blinded him, sending a sudden shooting pain through his already throbbing head. Squeezing his eyes shut again, Newt decided to stay like that until later.

The blonde wasn't sure exactly how long it took but, eventually, he felt the bed that he was laying in slow to a halt – the mutterings around him silencing. After a minute of lying still, listening to his surroundings, Newt finally dared to open his eyes. Peeking through the small sliver of sight that he made for himself, Newt noticed that he was in a room (surrounded by white objects, white walls and white floor). Deciding that it was safe to open his eyes, Newt looked around the room.

To his left sat an empty bed, much like his, although the sheets were pulled back and left in an untidy mess. A picture of a young man and his family (or was it his friends?) was hung up behind the empty bed. Clean tissues and a half-full water bottle were scattered over the top of a plain bedside table along with some keys and a phone that was plugged into the wall space between Newt and the bed. Right at the end of the room there was a closed door, the colour of fresh leaves.

Turning to his right, Newt jumped, seeing an old man with balding hair stood writing down something on a clipboard. At Newt's movement, the man looked up, smiling gently down at the blonde.

"Hello, Newton, I'm Doctor Turner. Do you know why you're in here?"

Newt squinted his eyes, trying to remember what had put him in hospital, but all he was greeted with was a vast empty white space in his mind. Shaking his head in defeat, the doctor sighed.

"You had an accident. Quite a severe one, at that." The man explained, looking down at Newt with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "You were riding your bike when you got hit by a bus pulling out of a side street. Luckily, as far as we can tell, you experienced nothing more than heavy concussion, memory loss and a mild brain injury. But don't worry, we're keeping you in for observations and treatment to make sure that you can recover completely as soon as possible."

Newt nodded, at a loss for words. Brain injury?

The doctor left not too long after, leaving Newt alone in the foreign room. The blonde man lay in the uncomfortable hospital bed, staring up at the bare ceiling in dismay. How long would he be here for?

With a sigh, Newt closed his eyes, his body drifting into a fitful sleep.

He was awoken by the sound of a door opening, wheels clattering into to undisturbed room. "Evening," a young, pretty nurse greeted with a wide smile on her lips. Newt smiled back, sitting himself up slowly.

The nurse dragged in a food cart, humming away to herself as she pushed it. Newt expected her to come over to his bed, but he frowned when he saw that she was walking over to the other side of the room.

However, that frown soon melted away when he saw that the previously empty bed that shared the room with him now sat occupied. It was the man from the photo.

As Newt stared in shock, the younger looking man glanced over in his direction, a smirk in his eyes when he took in Newt's surprised face. "Hello, sleepy-head." He laughed, and Newt could have melted right then and there. The man's voice was smooth yet rough, silky yet deep.

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