Dylmas - One Call Away

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Sooo, today is this books official ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! Here's an extra long one-shot as a HUGE THANK YOU for supporting me!!!

Based on: One Call Away by Charlie Puth

PS. This has been edited due to accidental similarities (woops).

Also, please go and check out samxanonymous because her books (and writing in general) is AMAZING! #sorryfortheinconvenience #dedicatedtoyou

Dylan's POV

The low buzz that came from the television filled the air. Everyone was content with watching the show that had  been put on. The sound that came from the small box that sat in front of the room now taking the place of the previous conversation. I quickly shifted my gaze, my eyes landing on the old clock that hung on the wall to my left, losing hope with each tick of the small hand.

What was I thinking! Nothing that happened tonight would end differently than it had the other week, and the week before that, and the week before that! It was like a continuous loop.

"Dylan . . .  " my mum said, turning her gaze from the television, "She said she'd call. You know Mariah, she'll have heaps on her mind, but you can always rely on her to call."

"I know, but . . . " I looked down at my hands that were now clasped tightly together in my lap.

With each breath that I took, I felt the dread fill my stomach, worry and doubt twisting my insides apart. I knew that Mariah would call eventually. There was no specified time, only that she wouldn't find out how I did until today. But that wasn't why I was worried. I just didn't want to hear her say the same thing that she said to me every single time. I didn't want to have to hear the pity masked in her words.

Unknowingly, my eyes shot back to the clock, counting every tick.

It was 19:13.

It was too late. Sighing, I stood up, all eyes on me as I walked through to the kitchen. I ran the tap, grabbing a glass from the cupboard beside the sink and filling it with the clear liquid.

As I walked back to my family, I could tell that they were all disappointed. In fact, no, they pitied me.

"Seriously, I'm fine! Just drop it!"

"Dyl, please. Don't give up yet!" my sister spoke, getting up to stand in front of me. She held her arms out in front of me, welcoming me into a hug. Sighing, I accepted, wrapping my arms around her loosely and burying my face into her neck.

"I just, I thought that maybe this time would be different, y'know? There was something there. I felt it!" I spilt out all of my thoughts, not caring how pathetic and cheesy I sounded. "Maybe I'm just not cut ou-"

Before I could finish my sentence, my voice was cut off by Incubus ('Anna Molly' in case you were wondering) suddenly blaring out of my back pocket. I jumped back, my family watching eagerly as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice wavering.

There was silence for a moment, muffled movement crackling down the line.

"Dylan . . . "

There it was again, the pitying voice of yet another person.

"Hi, Mariah." I sighed, already wishing I could hang up the phone.

"I'm so sorry, love. I wish there was a better way that I could say this." She spoke, her voice softening.

"It's okay. I understand, you don't need to bother." I replied, a sweaty hand running through my shaggy hair. Maybe I could still apply for that job at the surf shop?

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