Newtmas - R U Mine

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(also omg it's the 69th part and if you just read

Based on: R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys

3rd Person POV

The lights were dim in the cramped room as Jorge, Thomas and Newt gathered round a table. Paper lay scattered over the table, sketches and notes scrawled roughly in pencil. They were planning a break-in to WICKED.

The others were in another room nearby packing up any supplies that they would need – food, weapons and first aid materials. 

"Right, so if we go in through this entrance, blocking off any other nearby doorways and vents, we should be okay?" Thomas double-checked, sliding the piece of paper over to Jorge. Jorge scanned his eyes over the plan before nodding.

"What if there are people in there already? Guards? They won't leave entrances open like that." Newt added, glancing over to Thomas.

Thomas met Newt's gaze, holding it for maybe a bit longer than necessary before he turned away. He racked his brains for an answer but Jorge beat him to it. "Then we make sure we don't enter until it's definitely empty. We can map out their shift rota and time it perfectly. We can't afford to make mistakes."

Newt nodded, placing his pencil down. "I think we've covered everything then. We just need to wait for the others, get a good night's rest and set off at dawn."

Thomas hummed in agreement, staring down at his hands that rested on the table. He couldn't look at Newt; the other was practically leaning over the table, his long legs stretched behind him and is ass sticking up in an almost sexual stance. It was making Thomas uncomfortable, but in a good way, as unspeakable thoughts entered his mind.

After a moment's silence, Jorge stood up. "I'm going to go check on them, see if they need any help."

Newt nodded, sending a small smile in Jorge's direction. Thomas didn't look up, but muttered a response. 

Thomas distracted himself by adding the finishing touches to the plans as Newt gathered the unused paper, stuffing it all in a rucksack. When he had finished, Newt leant his arm on the table so that he was now facing Thomas. He watched the other for a moment before speaking something that had been playing on his mind for a while.

"Y'know Teresa could get hurt during this? She's in there with them."

Thomas froze, his hand gripping the pencil tighter as he avoided Newt's stare. 

After a moment, he spoke, "I know...that's why I'm gonna go looking for her. I need to make sure she's safe."

There was a pause. The room was silent other than Thomas' constant rhythmic tapping of the pencil on the table. 

Finally, Newt spoke. "You still care about her, don't you?" he questioned. His voice sounded demanding. Jealous.

Thomas doesn't speak. He looks down, stilling his hand that he hadn't known was shaking. He went to shake his head, to disagree with Newt's statement, but didn't get the chance as Newt suddenly jumped up from his earlier position and surged towards him.

"Don't lie to me!" he shouted, pinning Thomas to the closest wall and leaning forward. 

Thomas was frozen with shock, his chest rising and falling heavily as he met Newt's furious gaze. From here, Newt's eyes were a glimmering gold, flashes of green teasing in the low light. 

They were so close right now. Thomas could feel Newt's hot breath brushing over his face. Newt's hands were fisted in Thomas' shirt, lifting him up slightly. If he was being totally honest, Thomas was slightly turned on by the whole situation.

"Do you still care about her?" Newt said, his voice low and slow as he emphasised each word.

"Y-Yeah – but, but not like that! Newt, you know I don't! But she's still my friend – our friend!" Thomas said, his words stumbling over one another as he tried to convince Newt.

Newt growled, pushing against the wall angrily as he pulled away from a stammering Thomas. 

"Newt..." Thomas whispered, quickly grabbing out to catch Newt's hand as he turned away.

In one swift movement, Thomas swivelled Newt around and pulled him back, roughly attaching their lips.

Newt moaned, he couldn't help it, as he allowed his eyes to slide closed. Thomas swallowed the sound, kissing Newt with as much passion and lust and love as he could muster. 

Before long, Newt took back the lead, his hands sliding down Thomas' sides until they reach the boy's hips. Gripping Thomas' hips tightly, Newt pressed his body closer to Thomas', pushing Thomas further against the wall as he did so. Thomas groaned at the sudden contact, his hands automatically going to Newt's hair, where he pulled at the already messy blonde strands.

Newt felt his knees go weak at the motion, grinding his hips against Thomas as the kiss grew heated. He ran his tongue over Thomas' bottom lip teasingly, begging for entrance, moaning as Thomas hurriedly parted his lips and allowed Newt to slip his tongue inside his mouth. There, their tongues battled for dominance until Thomas gave in and let Newt take full control of him.

Newt was infatuated with the taste of Thomas, his tongue exploring the other's mouth as he rubbed soothing circles into his hips.

Finally pulling apart, mainly just to breath, Newt didn't waste any time attaching his lips to Thomas' exposed and tanned neck, pressing hot kisses along the smooth skin. He made his way to just below Thomas' ear, a few inches from his collarbone, where he knew was Thomas' weak spot. As Newt harshly bit down onto the bare skin, sucking and flicking his tongue over where was sure to be a mark, Thomas became a moaning mess under him. 

"I'm yours." Thomas mumbled hoarsely, eyes slowly reopening to meet Newt's lust-filled gaze. 

Newt leant down to press a soft kiss to Thomas' slightly parted lips before pulling back again. "You better mean that." He said, half-serious, half-teasing. 

Thomas chuckled, his breath ragged, "Always."

Newt smirked, capturing Thomas' lips with his again, his hands cupping his face as he ran a thumb over his cheekbone.

Ahh so okay, I know it's short but I like it *shrugs*. If you don't then...well...I dunno really. What ya doing here? XD 

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Love you guys x

P.S. Totally feel free to offload about the trailer; it's killed us all <3

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