Dylmas - Starving

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Here's the third and final part of my Coffee Shop AU (First part: You Second part: Sweater Weather) Please give me some feedback!

Dedicated to: Teashirt123

Based on: Starving by Hailee Steinfeld (mint song, you NEED to listen to it).

3rd Person POV

Thomas stood facing his reflection in the mirror of his bathroom cabinet as he brushed his teeth, the minty white paste foaming around his lips. He had twenty minutes to get himself ready and at work!

Spitting, Thomas turned on the cold tap and rinsed out his mouth before splashing the fresh water over his tired face. Turning of the tap, Thomas grabbed the blue towel from the rack and buried his face in it, sniffing the strong aftershave smell that remained from its last use.

As Thomas brought his face up from the material he felt two strong arms wrap around his dainty waist, holding him in place, and he looked back into the mirror to be met with the sight of his half-asleep, still drop-dead-gorgeous boyfriend – Dylan.

"Mornin', sleepyhead." Thomas teased, swivelling around in Dylan's arms and bopping the younger man's nose.

"Hi." Dylan spoke, his sleep filled voice low and gravelly.

The brunette closed his eyes, dipping his face into the crook of Thomas' neck and leaving a trail of feathery kisses on his boyfriend's pale skin. Thomas giggled, squirming away from the other as he placed the towel that he was still holding back onto the rack behind him.

"Dylan," he whined, "Stop! I have to go." Dylan stopped. He looked up at Thomas with his deep brown eyes and pouted. "Nope, not gonna work, love. I gotta go."

Sighing Dylan let go of Thomas, not before stealing a quick kiss, and walked out to the kitchen. Thomas smiled, his heart warming at the antics of his boyfriend as he followed him through to the kitchen.

When he got there, Thomas found Dylan had made him a steaming mug of tea and a hot cup of coffee for himself.

"Ta, Dyl." Thomas smiled, taking a sip of the hot drink. The liquid slipped down his throat easily, warming his insides.

Just as Thomas went to place the mug down, the doorbell rang. Thomas looked over at Dylan questioningly, who responded with a shrug as he placed his own cup down and went to answer it. Thomas sat himself down on one of the old stools, swinging his legs as he read through yesterday's paper.

Dylan trudged through the hallway towards their front door, unlocking it and opening it. He was greeted with two things. One being a massive gust of wind mixed with the odd snowflake rushing into his unexpectant face. Two being the beautiful smiling blonde who was now stood in front of him with a woolly scarf, hat and gloves on.

"Dylan!" she cheered, her open arms engulfing him in a sweet-smelling hug. Dylan wasn't lying when he said she smelt of cherries and grapefruit. "Thank God you're up; I was starting to worry that you'd forgotten our plans for today."

"Umm...sorry what?" Dylan blushed, chuckling in embarrassment as he let the woman in and closed the door behind her.

"Oh, Dylan you're useless sometimes. I don't get what my brother sees in you." She laughed, before looking him up and down. Dylan blushed even harder realising that he wasn't wearing a top and his pyjama bottoms were hanging dangerously low on his hip, "Actually, I take that back, yes I do." She chuckled, winking at him.

"Dylan? Who was i-" Thomas asked, popping his head out, "Ava!" The two smiled, running up to each other and wrapping their arms around each other. "What are you doing here?"

Dylmas/Newtmas One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora