Dylmas - Girls/Girls/Boys

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been so inactive lately, school's been manic. Anyways, here's another one-shot for you all, hope you enjoy :)

Also, can we see how many comments I can get in 24 hours?

Based on: Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco (if you don't already listen to them then I recommend that you start NOW!).

Dylan's POV

I pushed open the heavy door and was instantly greeted with the pungent smell of alcohol and sweat. My ears were deafened by the overwhelmingly loud music coming from multiple speakers dotted around the small area. I could feel my whole body jolt in time to the music. Beat after beat.

I manoeuvred my way through the sea of swaying people, careful not to get in anyone's way, in an attempt to reach the bar. Eventually, I escaped the crowd, sitting down on an old stool with a worn, red leather cover and cold metal legs that didn't look like they'd last for much longer.

A musty smell surrounded the bar, almost sickly, but I had grown used to it. Laying my hands over the counter I awaited the bartender – Wendy – to finish serving another customer.

In a few minutes Wendy was done, and she came sauntering over to me with a warm smile spread across her rosy red lips. Her vibrant auburn hair bounced with each step before curling naturally around her feminine face.

Wendy had very soft facial features: a dainty nose that turned up ever-so-slightly at the end, captivating cerulean doe eyes, plump lips that were always pouted, smooth cheeks and a curved jaw.

We were complete opposites.

"The usual?" Wendy asked, turning to pour my regular bitter ale.

I just hummed in response, pulling out the loose coins from my jean pocket to hand them to her. She smiled thankfully as she took the money and placed it in the till before sliding my glass over to me.

I had known Wendy for almost a year now. She was usually working when I came down to the pub – which, ever since I moved here, I had been doing almost every night. It wasn't that I was feeling particularly miserable when I came here, I just enjoyed the atmosphere.

"So, how's ya day been?" the red head questioned, picking up a damp cloth and beginning to wipe clean the counter in between us.

I thought for a moment as I took a sip from my glass, wrinkling my nose at the taste, before I replied. "Just the usual. Woke up late, got to work late, missed the bus home and had to walk in the rain," I took another sip of my drink and placed the glass back onto the small coaster below, "Remind me again why I moved to England."

Wendy laughed at that. Shaking her head, she stopped cleaning the table (her right arm stretched out where she had been scrubbing furiously at a stain on the counter) and looked at me. "Honey, it's not that bad. Don't give up yet; there's still time."

"How? I'm almost 30, Wendy! I was supposed to be a worldwide famous actor by now and where am I?" I asked, gesturing around me, "I'm sat in a club, at," I checked my favourite leather watch that sat on my right arm, "10:30pm, and I've been in 2 commercials!"

Wendy sighed, shaking her head as she returned to her cleaning.

"'m sorry. I'm just fed up, y'know?" I muttered, looking down into my glass. I stared at the pale liquid, swishing it round in a circle and thinking about where it all went wrong...

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" a deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

My head shot up, noticing that Wendy was no longer in front of me and instead was on the other side of the counter serving a group of young women.

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