Dylmas - Don't You Know

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Damn, I have an obsession with Soulmate AUs, I won't lie. Suggested by Gleek_runner

Based On: Don't You Know by Jaymes Young

3rd Person POV

Dylan tried to calm his fast-beating heart as he stepped into the room full of the cast. The group of strangers that he was now to spend weeks on end with.

He took a deep, shaky breath and walked up to a group of three people that looked friendly enough. One, a woman, had long wavy black hair that shaped around her contrastingly pale face beautifully. She saw him and beamed, eyes gleaming.

Before Dylan knew what was happening, he was engulfed in a warm hug.

"Hi, Dylan, right?" she asked as she pulled away, "Sorry," she suddenly apologised, noticing Dylan's uncomfortable aura and she took a step back. The smile on her face didn't falter though.

After a moment, Dylan nodded, "Yeah, it's Dylan. Don't apologise, either, at least you're not biting my head off!"

The woman laughed, "Well, hi, I'm Kaya and this here is Ki Hong and Thomas." She explained, gesturing to the two men stood beside her.

Dylan turned to face them. One, he assumed was Ki Hong, smiled at him and shook his hand. Dylan nodded his head at him as they shook hands.

Then, he turned to the other man – Thomas. And, 'holy shit, you're so hot!' Dylan thought, trying to push the sudden attraction for the man stood in front of him away as he outstretched a hand. With a smile, Dylan blushed.

The man, Thomas, had dirty blonde hair swept carelessly to the side, falling past his eyes and framing his well-structured face. Dylan noticed that his eyes, although appearing hazel brown at first, were almost a deep, golden honey colour. Dylan felt like he'd fallen in a pot of honey as he had to force himself to pull his gaze away from Thomas' hypnotic irises.

Coughing awkwardly, Dylan avoided looking at Thomas throughout the rest of the conversation that he shared with his new colleagues.

The next few days are hectic. Dylan barely finds time to sleep, eat and wash in between getting to know each other and shooting the first few scenes. They were on a tight schedule.

That's why he didn't notice the cursive black writing on the back of his right shoulder until he was walking into his room after a long-deserved shower, fluffy white hotel towel wrapped securely round his waist.

"Oi, mate, I didn't know you had a tattoo!" Ki Hong called out from his position on Dylan's bed.

"I don't?" Dylan shot his new friend a confused glare.

Ki Hong stood form the bed and pointed at Dylan's shoulder. "What do you call that then?"

Running back into the bathroom, Dylan swivelled round to see his back in the reflection of the fogged up mirror. "Oh shit!" he muttered, trailing his fingertips lightly over the words etched into his tanned skin.

He squinted, trying to get closer to the mirror and cursing when he bumped into the cold sink. Finally, he managed to make out the words.

'Ah, fuck, I'm gay.'

That was it.

Dylan almost wanted to burst out laughing at the bluntness of the words. But he didn't, because his mind was too preoccupied with the knowledge that this was his soulmate mark. What else would it be?

"What's it say then?" Ki Hong's voice rang through the silence of the small room.

Suddenly, Ki Hong's reflection appeared behind Dylan's in the mirror above the sink. He read over the words, face crinkling before he let out a loud cackle. "Oh my God, what?"

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