Newtmas - Heaven

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Woo! Another update, despite the fact that I really should be doing my homework/revision XD I prefer writing this sort of stuff, not flippin' x = blah blah blah!

This is an Angel AU. Requested by Gleek_runner who suggested that I did another AU style one-shot. Also, you should check out her stuff; it's awesome! ❤

Based on: Heaven by One Republic (either original or acoustic; both are amazing).

3rd Person POV

Newt groaned, rolling his head to the side. His head was pounding and all of his joints ached. Something was sticking into his side but he couldn't be bothered to move. It wasn't until something started to repeatedly tap at his head, sharp and annoying, that the young blonde decided to get up.

With a series of rustles, Newt sat up and observed his surroundings. He was sat in a clearing surrounded by tall trees (the branches almost completely bare). The floor was now a blanket of golden oranges, fiery reds and murky yellows. A squawk came from his side and Newt saw a crow, the thing responsible for the constant pecking at his head earlier. Shaking his head, the blonde shooed the bird away before pulling himself to his feet, spinning in a circle as he tried to work out where exactly he was.

He had been to Earth many times before but never like this. Never had he woken up unable to remember the previous events that had led to him being where he was.

Stretching his arms to the sky, still a pale grey as it was only early morning, Newt sighed happily at the feeling of his bones cracking. But something didn't feel right. Dismissing the thought, Newt brushed down his scraggy clothes, wiping off the dead leaves, mud and twigs. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, hoping to free it of the possible bugs and other stuff that could have crept in overnight.

Smiling to himself as he began to feel more awake, Newt set off in the direction that he believed to be a town, or at least somewhere to stay for the time being. As he walked, Newt felt different - lighter.

Not too long after, Newt arrived on the outskirts of a small town. Stepping closer into the town, he noticed that not many people were awake. The houses that he passes were tall with cream walls and brown tiled roofs. Each was identical, yet different. For example, one had bright pink curtains and a purple painted door whereas the one adjacent to it had all black curtains, doors and window frames. Newt thought both looked extremely nice in their own ways.

The streets of the town were cobbled and there were few shops, most of which were unopened due to the time of day. Newt walked, not really sure of where he was headed, but he felt like he was going in the right direction.

Finally, the innocent blonde stumbled across a cute B&B with a small swinging sign reading 'Vacancies'. Smiling, pleased with himself, Newt walked into the building and was instantly greeted with a rush of heat and the sweet aroma of sugar and melted chocolate. Not fully aware of what he was doing, the boy walked over to a reception desk where an old lady sat typing something into a computer.

"Hmph, excuse me." Newt coughed, gaining the woman's attention.

"Oh, sorry my lovely, I didn't see you there!" she gushed, sliding her glasses off of her face to look clearly at the newcomer. "What was it you wanted?"

"I, umm," Newt stuttered, looking around nervously. "Do you happen to have a room for me to stay in?"

The woman smiled at him, a warm smile, "Why, yes we do." Newt breathed a sigh of relief, paying the woman the sufficient amount for one room for a couple of nights; he wasn't sure how long he'd be down here for. "It's on the second floor, to your right as you come up the stairs." The woman explained, handing him a pair of keys.

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