Dylmas - All I Want For Christmas Is You

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Alright, so this is shorter than normal but I really wanted to post a one-shot on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day but I've left myself to no time to actually write much. Anyways, I hope it's still cute!

Based on: All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey

3rd Person POV 

"All I want for Christmas is you." Mariah Carey's voice drifted through the stereo speakers.

A blonde man groaned, rolling his eyes at the song. "If I hear one more Mariah Carey song I will riot." He muttered, mostly to himself, as he stood in the queue of his local coffee shop. Every morning, at exactly 11:12am, he would be found here.

"I second that." A gravelly voice replied, followed by a deep chuckle.

The blonde man spun around, coming face to face with what could only be described as one of God's finest creations. The man who had just spoken had windswept brunette hair, eyes the colour of logs on a fire on a cold winter's night, a chiselled jaw and lips shaped into the perfect smile. To top it all off, he had just the right amount of stubble growing – enough to show his age but not too much that he looked untidy.

The blonde man stuttered, raking a hand through his own hair (which he hadn't styled this morning, mainly because he hadn't had the time). He sent a nervous smile in the brunette's direction, unsure of what to say.

"Oh, sorry, the name's Dylan." The other said, holding a large hand out to the blonde.

"Thomas." The blonde man replied, shaking Dylan's hand. Thomas would be lying if he said that his insides didn't flip at the firm grip Dylan held on him. "I promise I'm not a scrooge...well, not really. I just can't stand the hype over Christmas."

Dylan nodded his head in agreement, tucking his hands into his tight jean pockets. "Yeah, I get that. Christmas songs are just so overplayed."

Thomas smiled, purposely not looking at how the veins popped out of Dylan's masculine arms.

"Thomas?" a woman's voice called over the low buzz of the coffee shop.

Thomas jumped, swivelling around quickly. By the counter, he saw the barista holding out his cup of coffee – strong, no sugar, with just a dash of milk.

"Oh, that's mine. I guess I'll see you round?" Thomas asked Dylan, glancing back at him.

Dylan seemed to visibly deflate, "Oh...yeah. See ya, hopefully."

Thomas paused, taking his takeout cup from the barista's hand and thanking her with a polite nod. "Or, if you don't mind, we could stay here and get to know one another?" His voice was hopeful. He knew it was unlikely that Dylan would want to hang out with him any longer than he already had.

But, contrary to Thomas' belief, Dylan smiled as his face brightened. "I'd love that!" he exclaimed.

At Dylan's words, Thomas felt himself relax, cupping his coffee to warm his hands as he waited for Dylan to collect his own drink. He knew the barista working today well and was sure that she wouldn't mind them staying inside despite paying for a takeout coffee. It wasn't like the place was very busy anyway; most customers just bought a drink to go so there were a few empty tables.

Once Dylan got his drink, taking a quick sip of it and humming happily to himself as he licked his lips, the two men walked towards a table for two. It was by the window, so they could watch people bustling past on the street outside – coats pulled tight, hats down low, and faces out of the harsh December wind.

Thomas placed his drink on the table, sitting down and watching as Dylan did the same. Slipping off his jacket, he sighed. It was a good thing that he didn't have any important plans for today, only some last minute Christmas shopping but that could be done tomorrow.

The two new friends sat opposite each other, hugging their drinks close to their bodies for extra heat, as they spoke to each other. It was just casual conversation, getting to know one another and sharing stories of previous Christmas disasters.

At one point, Dylan threw his head back in a fit of laughter; his eyes squeezed shut, mouth wide open and Thomas found himself admiring the man in front of him, thanking the God's for sending him here today.

The conversation continued. It lasted much longer than either man's coffee did, their empty cups placed in the middle of the table.

Eventually, as it neared 12 noon, Dylan asked something which Thomas had been silently hoping to hear. "I know we just met, but do you maybe want to come round to mine? I promise I won't play any Mariah Carey! I have more coffee. And twiglets too!"

Thomas laughed, already putting his jacket back on and standing up. "Course I'll come! Sounds like a great way to spend today."

Dylan smiled at him, taking their empty cups to the bin and thanking the barista once again, who simply winked at him.

The two left the coffee shop, walking to Dylan's small flat, the conversation not stopping once.

Over the years that the two knew each other, going to that small coffee shop became a Christmas tradition. And each year they would buy a takeout coffee and sit in the same window table that they did when they first met.

* * *

Two Years Later

Dylan danced (as best as he could whilst standing on the top of a ladder) to the song playing. He sang away, his voice hoarse as it was still early morning. As he did, he carefully hung the Christmas decorations over the fireplace, pinning the strings to the wall in roughly the same places as last year.

As he was climbing down the ladder, the song changed and at the familiar chimes Dylan smiled wider than he had done so far that day. Whilst putting away the ladder, he began to sing, swaying his body gently. "I don't want a lot for Christmas; there is just one thing I need. I don't care about the presents, underneath the Christmas tree."

The man bent down, picking up a fallen bauble and hanging it back on the already decorated tree that stood in the corner of the room. "I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know."

Neatening up the rest of the room, he continued to sing. "Make my wish come true," since he was so distracted, he didn't notice Thomas stood in the doorway, "All I want for Christmas, is..."

"You." Thomas' deep British voice joined in with Dylan's as he now stepped further into the room, finally catching the younger man's attention.

Dylan smiled, blushing slightly as Thomas slipped his arms around his waist, swaying their bodies together as he hummed to the rest of the song. Thomas looked down at Dylan and couldn't help how his heart melted at the sight; the man was covered in glitter from decorations, his hair a mess and he was still dressed in his pyjama bottoms (no top) but he looked gorgeous.

Leaning down, Thomas placed a chaste kiss to Dylan's lips. "Love you, babe." He whispered into Dylan's ear before lightly pecking the tip of Dylan's nose. Then he pulled away, clapping his hands with a gleam in his eyes, "Now, where did you want the purple tinsel?"

Ah! Guys, it's Christmas Eve! I'm so excited!

Anyways, I'm currently running (pfft I never run) to work because I got too caught up writing this.

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Love you guys, and Happy Holidays! x

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