Newtmas - Chasing Cars

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This is my 45th One-Shot guys!!! I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone that reads, votes and comments on these little things! It means so much to me!

Based on: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol <3

3rd Person POV

The blaring alarm went off, rousing Thomas from a deep sleep. He reached across the bed, his hand running over the bedside table in search for his phone. Newt was like a dead weight on his chest, warm and asleep. He finally managed to locate his phone, switching off the alarm before bringing his hand up to rub his tired face.

"C'mon, babe, it's time to get up." He croaked, running a hand over Newt's back.

Newt stirred, groaning deeply as he slowly woke up.

"I know, I know..." Thomas muttered softly, his fingers trailing through Newt's messy blonde hair. He didn't want to get up either, but they both had to work.

"Tommy," Newt said, his voice still thick with sleep, "I don't feel good."

"Why? What's up?" Thomas asked, his brows knitting together as he stared down at his sleepy boyfriend. He continued to run his hand down the older man's spine, only now noticing how warm the blonde's skin felt.

"'m not sure. I think I'm sick; my muscles are all achy and my throat feels raw and scratchy."

"You've got a fever, too." Thomas stated, pressing his lips lightly against Newt's forehead.

"Shit..." Newt mumbled, "We have work today!"

The older man attempted to sit up, but was stopped by a hand pushing him gently back into the wall of pillows behind him.

"You're not well. I'll call us both in sick today. You can't go out like this." Thomas said.

"I'll be okay, please Tommy, I have a load of meetings today. At least let me go to the important ones?" Newt pleaded, but closed his eyes as he nestled into the warmth of Thomas' neck, already knowing the answer.

"No, babe. You need to rest." Thomas said, "Don't worry, okay? I'll call in to cancel everything - I'm sure they can reschedule."

"I'd argue with you but I'm tired," Newt replied, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around the younger man, "I feel like shit."

"I'm sorry," Thomas whispered, resting his cheek on the older man's head. "Why don't you try to get some more sleep? I'll go make you a cup of tea and some breakfast."

"'m not hungry," the other mumbled into his chest.

"Okay, just tea then." Thomas replied, but he knew that Newt needed to eat. He kissed the blonde's forehead before manoeuvring his body out from under him. "We need to break this fever." he said, pulling a spare blanket out from the closet and tossing it over his boyfriend, covering the older man up to his chin as he tucked him in.

"Try to get some sleep, yeah?" he said, leaning down to press a quick kiss on Newt's dry lips.

"I'll get you sick." Newt mumbled sleepily, turning his face away after the brunette's lips left his own.

"I don't care." Thomas smirked, going in for a second peck, "Mmm...worth it."

Newt smiled weakly, his eyes closing slowly.

"Okay, babe. Now sleep. I'll be back up soon with your tea."

"M'kay, thanks Tommy." Newt said, reluctantly succumbing to sleep.

A while later, Thomas tip-toed into the room, a mug of steaming tea in one hand and a plate of lightly buttered toast in the other. The late-morning sunlight was seeping through the crack in the curtains, leaving the room in a dim glow.

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