Dylmas - Lucky People

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Okay, wow, it's been so long since I wrote a one-shot. This is in honour of our lovely Thomas Brodie-Sangster's 28th birthday (yeah, it's a few days late but ah well).

Based on: Lucky People by Waterparks (I'm obsessed with them at the moment, especially this song!)

3rd Person POV

Thomas sighed, something he'd found himself doing quite a lot recently, as he padded across the uncarpeted floor of his bedroom. The early morning sun was peeking through the slit between the thin curtains draped in front of the only window in the room, hiding a view of the campus lake and science facility.

Thomas had only been into the science facility of the University once, on his induction day back in September, since he was studying both Art and English degrees.

It was the middle of May; the end of term was drawing nearer with each passing day. Soon, Thomas would be back in his hometown, back in his parent's house, back to the peaceful lull of the countryside and having bare minimum responsibilities for a whole summer. Soon, Thomas would be back to his boyfriend.

Dylan, 5'10" of overexcitement and sarcasm, a well-toned body with permanent messy brown hair. Eyes that, although most would believe were a boring brown, Thomas found so intricate – shades of maroon and hazel blended into the depths of the shadows, but then a bright green tint masking them as the sun highlighted them.

Dylan, a year younger than Thomas and known as his boyfriend for just over four years. Thomas couldn't wait to finally see him again.

It'd only been a couple of months since they'd last seen each other in person (they skyped and facetimed every other day) but Thomas just missed being wrapped in Dylan's strong arms, feeling the warmth surrounding him and being safe. He missed the musky scent of pine and mint that Dylan always seemed to smell of, mixed with the residue of sweat from a hard day's work in the garage – Dylan was a trainee mechanic, working long days in the local garage of their hometown.

Today, however, Thomas missed Dylan more than most because today was Thomas' birthday. Usually, the two of them would go out somewhere nice for the day. Maybe a picnic in a field, a walk along the beach, a day shopping in the nearby city. Anything, as long as they spent the day together.

But this year, of course, that wasn't going to happen. Thomas was stuck over here, with a two hour lecture starting in thirty minutes and Dylan was all the way back at home, probably not even awake yet.

With a fallen heart, Thomas got himself dressed into comfortable joggers and a t-shirt, throwing on a light jacket and some trainers. He heard Dexter, his roommate, call out a goodbye before slamming their shared dorm's door shut behind him.

Thomas left his bedroom, picking up his bag on his way, and shoved an apple from the kitchen counter in with his stacks of notes. He checked his reflection in the mirror by the bathroom, ruffling his dirty blond hair with his fingers (it'd grown a lot over his year here) before deciding to just leave.

The lecture, as expected, dragged. It wasn't particularly interesting, though Thomas' hand ached awfully by the end of the two hours because of writing non-stop notes.

Kaya, a close friend of his from his English class, grabbed his arm as they left the lecture hall.

"C'mon, let's go get a drink!" she said, smile bright as she tugged on Thomas arm.

"Ugh, Kaya, it's 11 in the morning on a Wednesday." Thomas complained, eyes rolling out of habit.

Kaya scoffed, "So what? It's also your birthday, we have no more classes today – thank God," she pretended to pray, "so let's go get some alcohol in our systems to celebrate!"

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