Dylmas - Brave

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This one took me a while to come up with the idea but I got one eventually and I hope you guys like it! :)

Based on: Brave by Sara Bareilles

3rd Person POV

"How could you? After everything that I've done for you? Everything that I have contributed to this relationship. And you just throw it all in my face! Is that it? Do you not care anymore? Or did you ever care? Was you just leading me on, playing a game? Well guess what, Thomas! The jokes on you!" Dylan shouted, tears streaming down his face.

Thomas stood in the hallway, totally speechless.

"Dy-Dylan. No. No I would n-ne-never do that! I loved you Dylan! Why is it so hard for you to see?"

"Oh! Oh, you loved me, did you? Is that how it is now?"

"What? No! I didn't mean it like that and you know it!" Thomas shouted, now annoyed at his boyfriends childish behaviour.

"Well how can I be sure?" Dylan asked, snidely. "I mean, what sort of loving boyfriend suddenly says that they're moving to another country? Alone!"

At first Thomas wasn't sure how to answer him. It was true. That wasn't the best of ways to handle the situation. But it was done now and there was no going back.

"Dylan . . . Dylan, love" Thomas spoke in a soft whisper, so faint that Dylan had to strain to hear him. "You know that I never meant to hurt you. That's why I'm doing this. I can't ask you to run away to England with me, leave all of your family and friends behind. That wouldn't be fair."

"But you know that I'd do anything for you, Thomas. Just name it. As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters."

"It does, though. Don't you bloody get it? I know what it's like having to move to a strange country alone, you don't." Thomas tried explaining, but it wasn't coming out right.

"I won't be alone, though, I'll be with you."

"But I don't want you with me!" Thomas screamed, before realising what he'd just said. His eyes widened as he tried to reword what he had just said. "Dylan . . . no, baby, that's not what I meant. I-I just . . . ugh!"

Dylan stood in front of Thomas, hurt invading his eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek, but he didn't make a sound, he didn't do anything.

Thomas went to wipe away his tears but when he stepped forward, Dylan flinched. His breath hitched and he moved away from Thomas.

"No . . . no. D-don't tou-tou-touch me." He spoke, eerily calmly, despite choking on his own cries.

He grabbed his coat off of the hanger besides him, pocketing his phone, as he slowly turned to face his back to Thomas.

Silently, Dylan turned the door knob, and opened the front door. Thomas could see that it was pouring it down with rain, it looked as though a storm might start soon. He was just about to grab Dylan's arm, stopping him from going, when he faltered. Something in his mind told him to let Dylan go.

So he did . . .

Dylan stepped out into the cold, hard rain, looking up at the sky before dropping his spare key to Thomas' flat and closing the door.

Dylmas/Newtmas One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant