Newtmas - Tear In My Heart

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Another one-shot for all my lovelies! I hope it's not too shabby :)

Based on: Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots (suggested by Skeletal-Moon)

3rd Person POV

"Do I really have to come with you guys?" Newt, once again, complained as he was dragged out of his apartment by his childhood friend.

Stopping, one hand on his hip whilst the other gripped Newt's arm tightly, Minho replied, "Yes, you do. You never do anything fun! You're always holed up in that grubby apartment of yours reading rubbish on your phone! You need to get out and live!"

Newt rolled his eyes, but stopped resisting as Minho pulled him to the car, where he was greeted by victorious cheers from his other friends.

Teresa, sat in the passenger seat, smiled up at him. She'd clearly dressed up for the night, wearing a tight-fitting, black lace dress and sleek heels that made her pale legs appear longer. Her black hair cascaded down her back, curls neatly perfected. To top it all off, she added immaculate cat-eyeliner that made her shining eyes pop, and glossy red lipstick.

"Hey, Newt. Glad that you decided to come!" she giggled, flicking a curl out of her face.

Newt smiled back, slipping silently into the back of the old car, beside Winston. Winston, unlike Teresa, wore his usual denim jeans and an ironed shirt, although he'd loosed the collar – undoing the first two buttons. His hair was gelled back, a loos strand curling around the side of his tanned face.

Newt felt out of place with his messy blonde locks and regular jeans with a graphic tee. Had he have known Minho was going to force him to come, he might have changed into something more showy. Might have.

The car started up, and Newt leant his head against the cold glass of the window, watching the city nightlife whiz by. Before long, the group arrived outside a busy looking club, the sign out the front gleaming with brightly coloured neon lights, blinding Newt (who was used to the dullness of his apartment).

Stepping cautiously out of the car, Newt's ears were suddenly blasted with sound. Music blared out from the heaving building, along with conversations and the occasional loud laugh. People swarmed by, pushing their way towards the entrance – each and every one of them dressed much nicer than Newt, making the blonde feel even more self-conscious than before.

Finally making their way to the club's entrance, Minho showed the bodyguard something written on a piece of paper before they were allowed through, skipping the ever-growing line outside. Newt shivered as his exposed skin reacted to the sudden change in temperature, his muscles relaxing under the intense heat.

Inside it was much louder. Louder than Newt could have ever imagined. He winced as the beat hit his sensitive ears, eyes darting from person to person as he looked for a quiet place to stand where he would be out of people's way. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be a single corner that wasn't already taken up by drunk, horny young adults. Groaning, Newt followed behind Minho and the others, knowing that if he didn't there would be no chance of him finding them again in this hellhole.

Newt dodged carefully through couples, and rowdy groups of drunks as they made their way towards what seemed like a dance floor. Internally, Newt cursed Minho; the man knew that he couldn't dance.

They eventually stopped, now reaching an empty spot near the front of the dance floor, right beside the DJ's stage. Newt's head was pounding, the music obviously being so much more intense over here than it was by the entrance. The other three instantly began to dance to the music, swaying their bodies frantically around. Newt sighed, glancing up at the stage to see the DJ, headphones on, smirking down at him. Furrowing his eyebrows, Newt tilted his head as he stared curiously at the DJ.

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