Newtmas - Symphony

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Yay! I'm back!

This one-shot was suggested by hayleysartorius. I hope it's okay :)

Based on: Symphony by Clean Bandit (feat. Zara Larsson). I am obsessed with this song at the minute and I LOVE the music video for it! <3

3rd Person POV

" – you never listen!" Newt shouted, smashing his fist against the wall that stood to his side. The picture frames that hung on it shuddered with the impact of the hit, the vibrations running through the solid plaster. Hopefully their neighbours were out.

"Oh yeah sure, because I never do anything do I!" Thomas screamed back, his face flushing an angry red. "I do everything I can for you Newt and this is all I get in return!"

"You don't do shit! I put just as much, if not more, effort into this relationship than you do. Stop making stuff up just to make you look good; there's nobody here for you to impress!"

The argument bounced between the two of them, each statement growing more and more ridiculous yet each young man becoming more and more annoyed. It must have lasted at least another half an hour until Thomas cut Newt off, shouting loudly over the younger's voice.

"Do y'know what? We're done! I can't be arguing with you all the time – especially over such pointless things. We just don't work anymore, Newt."

Newt stops shouting, pausing mid-sentence as he processed what the other had just said. His mouth hung open, eyes red and wide. "W-What?" he whispered.

"It's what you wanted, what you kept pushing for." Thomas shrugged as though he was telling Newt that there wasn't any ice-cream left in the freezer, "It's over between us."

Newt could feel his heart stop momentarily in his chest and he froze. Suddenly, his heart sped up, his breathing quickening as he began to ramble out apologies one after the other, reaching for Thomas with tears in his eyes.

"N-No! I...I never wanted this. Please, Thomas, don't do this!"

Thomas looked down at the blonde, shaking his head. His big, brown eyes were like two emotionless pits and Newt had to look away. With a fresh, hot tear slipping down his cheek, Newt stepped closer to Thomas.

"Please, Tommy!" He reached his hands up to the brunette, pleading him to stay but it was to no avail. "Please!" Newt was almost screaming now, what had he done? Thomas couldn't leave!

Grabbing at Thomas' blue shirt, Newt sobbed uncontrollably, muttering pleas between small hiccups. But as Newt reach up for Thomas, the brunette pushed him away – possibly a little harder than he had intended, he realised, as Newt stumbled to the floor by his feet.

Newt's cries ceased as he looked up at Thomas, hurt etched into his face, but Thomas looked away. Grabbing his jacket, Thomas ripped open the front door, groaning internally as he looked out at the sea of darkness.

Newt didn't bother to beg him to stay anymore – he knew now that Thomas was leaving.

With one last look at the broken blonde, Thomas stepped out of the house, "Goodbye, Newt." Shutting the heavy door behind him, Thomas pulled up the hood of his green jacket, stuffing his hands deep into his pockets and ducking his head as he began to walk down the street. The constant rain pattered down on his head, echoing through his head, followed by random strikes of blindingly bright lightning.

Meanwhile, Newt lay on the cold floor of the hallway, staring up at the closed door in front of him. Fat tears rolled down his face as he sniffled quietly, his shoulders shaking silently.

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