Newtmas - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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Hey guys! Long time no see (or whatever . . . )

This one shot is based on: I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco (my current new obsession) 😍

Newt's POV

Cigarette smoke. Nicotine.

The air around me was now filled with fumes, a dull grey cloud gradually forming over my head.

Closing my eyes, I took a slow, deep inhale of smoke. I swirled it around my mouth, between my teeth and under my tongue, before finally releasing it in one relaxed puff. Immediately the stress that had previously built itself up inside of me dissolved, leaving me completely at ease.

I leant back against the old brick wall, keeping my eyes closed, trying my best to shut the world out.

* * *

Thomas's POV

I walked down the almost abandoned corridor, my shoes squeaking against the polished floor below. As I arrived by my locker, I spotted a familiar person leaning against the cold metal with a few scruffy looking books held loosely in their hand. A small smile appeared on my face as I stopped beside them, feeling their gaze landing on me.

The subtle hint of fresh smoke lingered in the air as I opened my locker, swapping my books. The scent left the atmosphere feeling hard and lonely, even with people swarming by, yet it also gave me a comforting sensation.

"Hey . . . " a low, husky voice said. The soft rumble that emerged from his throat sent chills down my spine that I had to fight back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, grabbing my books from my locker, slamming the door shut after.

"I wanted to see you. You got a problem with that?" The voice asked, a hint of aggression mixed upon sass.

I shook my head, leaning against the locker besides him so that I was still facing him. He just stared back at me, a silence falling over us as people continued to walk past on their way to their next class.

Suddenly, a large hand grabbed mine, pulling me up straight. Before I could protest, I was being dragged down the remaining corridor until we reached outside of the restrooms. I was pulled inside, barely having time to breathe before being pushed roughly against a nearby wall.

"Romantic." I said, rolling my eyes, sarcasm dripping off each word.

"Shut up and kiss me." a low growl replied, as a pair of warm and slightly wet lips attached themselves to mine.

I didn't need encouraging as I moved my own lips with his, our tongues dancing perfectly together. His lips tasted of smoke, his mouth like alcohol. It was addictive.

Our mouths seemed to mould together, as I felt him slowly move his hands down to my hips, grabbing hold of them as our bodies were suddenly pressed closer together. I could feel his chest rise and fall with every breath that he took, heat radiating off of his body.

I moved my hand up his chest, feeling the muscles under his shirt, tangling my fingertips in his soft blonde hair, tugging lightly on the ends. A small moan emerged from his lips, vibrating on to my own as his body shivered slightly at the touch. I smirked, knowing the effect that I could have on this boy.

"I love you, you know that, right?" He whispered quietly, holding eye contact as our lips brushed against each others.

I simply grunted in response, hurriedly joining his lips upon mine again, already missing the warm sensation.

* * *

Newt's POV

Thomas pulled away after a few more minutes, checking his phone for the time.

"Oh shit! If I'm any later I'll end up being kicked out for good!" He exclaimed, quickly straightening himself out in an attempt to make himself look presentable. My heart fell as I watched him grab his bag and run out barely even acknowledging me.

It was always like this. We couldn't be seen together, it was wrong on so many levels. He was the popular guy, all the girls were after him, whereas I was the total opposite. I was the well known, punk bad boy. We were of opposing groups in the school. Two people from different groups couldn't hang out, it was the 'rules'. Therefore, we had to stay out of sight, keep people unaware of it all. But sometimes I wished that it didn't have to be like that.

* * *

I was stood by the bike shelters, yet another cigarette placed delicately between my fingers as the bell rang, announcing the end of the day. People began rushing through the doors by the front of the building, all wanting to get home as soon as possible.

Me, I wasn't in such a rush.

I practically lived alone, what, with my parents never being home and being an only child. Instead, I spent my time people watching. It was quite fun, actually. That was, until I saw Thomas stroll out of the doors hand in hand with some blonde bimbo.

I cringed, disgusted at the state of the girl. Her hair was an obvious fake blonde, extensions most likely, with those stupid drawn on eyebrows. Her face was an unnatural shade of orange, in fact, her whole body seemed to be, and she had the most ridiculous outfit on.

Watching as Thomas planted a kiss on her cheek, bringing her closer to him as they walked, I rolled my eyes.

I scoffed, turning my head away the minute that Thomas caught my gaze. As they walked past, I heard him whisper something to her, causing her to laugh. It was as though he had never talked to me in his life.

Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore them both. I took another puff on my cigarette, allowing the smoke in my mouth to linger for a bit, enjoying the predictable, bitter taste that I had grown so accustomed to. Eventually breathing it out, I let the annoyance go with it, releasing it to the rest of the world so that I wouldn't have to deal with it any longer.

I always did that when I was younger, I could never face my problems in life. I never have and I never will.

So that was short, and probably bad but it's late, I was bored and I got the idea whilst listening to this song. I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway!

(Edit) This one-shot has now been made into a full story! Details and plot lines have been altered but the main message behind the story remains the same. Please go check it out on my profile, it would mean a lot to me! *Updates will be on Wednesdays*

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Love you guys x

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