Dylmas - Appreciated

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Based on: Appreciated by Rixton

3rd Person POV

Thomas ran down the bleak corridor, his heart racing, although he knew that everything was being taken care of. It wasn't severe.

That's what everyone kept telling him, but he wouldn't believe it until he saw it.

He ran passed door after door, counting the numbers in his head.



. . .


Stopping outside the door, Thomas closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself for what may lie behind the glass. Before he could realise what he was doing, his large hand gripped the door handle, slowly pushing the door open.

Inside, it was quiet. White walls surrounded the room, closing him in. Spotless tiles covered the floor beneath him as he took small, timid steps towards the linen sheets that lay on the bed. A quiet murmur came from under the sheets, as the person beneath them became restless, tossing from side to side.

"No!" a cry emerged, the voice laced with panic and sadness. A small tuft of brown hair became visible, and Thomas couldn't help himself as he moved closer, all his previous fears gone.

Thomas' hand reached out, his fingers stroking the person's head as he tried to comfort them. It broke his heart seeing the person that he loved most in this world, so fragile and broken.

"Hey, it's ok." Thomas whispered, scoffing at his own cliché words, "Look at me, love."

The person shifted slightly so that they were facing Thomas, their face peaking out of the rough sheets.

"Tommy . . . " the low, husky voice responded, big brown eyes staring up at him.

As Thomas looked down at his boyfriend, he saw what damage had been done. A large bruise was seeping through the smooth skin, a deep shade of plum, and a group of small cuts surrounded his cheek. A pale green and blue ring circled his left eye, the corner swelling up ever so slightly.

"Awe, baby!" Thomas whispered, running a finger over the bruise on Dylan's face. He bent down, placing a chaste kiss on his untouched forehead. Dylan closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"I-I . . . what am I gonna do, Thomas?" he cried, shying away from Thomas' touch.

"What do you mean, love?"

"I . . . I've ruined everything! I broke the set and th-the film is over! I'm gonna lose my job!"

Thomas sighed, lifting up the edge of the sheets and slipping in under them, his warm body wrapping around Dylan's shaking one. He didn't say anything for a while, simply running his fingers through the soft, brown hair. Dylan slowly began to calm down, the constant heartbeat coming from Thomas' chest lulling him.

"Babe, you won't lose your job, not ever! Everyone saw what happened, it wasn't your fault, it was nobody's fault! It was an accident, it could have happened to anybody! Don't worry about it." Thomas reassured, one hand rubbing Dylan's back as he spoke. "Trust me, Dylan, nobody blames you and the film isn't over! They're just postponing it for the time being because, like everyone keeps saying, your recovery is the most important thing at this moment."

Dylan didn't reply, he just closed his eyes, trying to make himself believe what Thomas was telling him.

The two of them just lay in silence. Only their breathing could be heard.

After five minutes, Dylan lifted his head, his chin resting on Thomas' chest as he looked at his boyfriend's peaceful face.

Thomas slowly opened one of his eyes, smirking slightly at Dylan.

Without saying anything, Dylan stretched up, puckering his dry lips and placing them on Thomas' smooth ones. Their lips moved together, fitting like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, as they let the world around them fade away.

Pulling away hesitantly, Dylan rested his forehead on Thomas', his body now laying on top of Thomas. Their chests were pressed firmly together, faces ever so close, but neither of them were thinking about that; they were too lost in the moment.

"I love you." Dylan whispered.

It wasn't the first time that he had said it, but in the six months that they had actually been together, he hadn't said it very often. Though, Thomas obviously already knew, it always sent butterflies rushing through his body.

"Love you too." Thomas laughed, pecking Dylan softly on the lips once again. "You're gonna be fine. We'll make it through this together. You always rush to take care of everyone else . . . you need to allow me to help you!"

Dylan hummed in agreement, dried tear stains still evident on his cheeks, but he had forgotten the previous sorrow that he had been feeling, his whole being now consumed in love.

Love only for Thomas.

Omg! My prayers are with Dylan today, get well soon baby!

For those of you that didn't hear, he was injured on set yesterday whilst filming a scene for The Death Cure! Apparently he fell off the back of some fake train and got 'run over' by a car, and is currently in a local hospital with possibly a broken cheekbone :( Obviously, don't take what the media says for granted, but multiple articles have stated this situation so I'm guessing it's got to be something like that.

Also, I know I haven't updated recently but I have a reason! I'm currently working on a Newtmas AU book and thought that (going by my track record) I should write it all up before publishing any. So, basically all my focus has been on that to try to get it posted on a month :) x

Please Vote and Comment if you enjoyed this, I know it's not good but 'eh, I tried.

Love you guys x

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