Dylmas - Hey Angel

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Soulmate AU

Based on: Hey Angel by One Direction.

Thomas' POV

Soulmate . . . it's a strong word. Someone that will always love you, always be there for you, and always care about you. A Soulmate is somebody that would do whatever they can to make you happy, even if it hurts them. Everybody has one.

Except me . . .

Ever since I remember, my Guardian Angel has tried his best to help me find my Soulmate. Your Guardian Angel is an Angel that's been sent down to guide you through life. Similar to a Soulmate, everybody has a Guardian Angel. Their soul purpose is to protect you and help you through tough times in life.

One of the main jobs that a Guardian Angel has, is to find your Soulmate.

They receive a list, either long or short, of mortal names that could be possible Soulmates. It's guaranteed that one of those names is your Soulmate, but you can't have any help in finding the correct one.

Instead, you and your Guardian Angel have to work your way down the list, crossing off person-by-person. Most people are lucky, and they end up falling for their Soulmate by accident, or even simply meeting them early on in their lives. Unfortunately, some never do meet . . . spending their whole life searching for the perfect person. So far, I'm the latter, and I fear that I may never meet my Soulmate . .  .

"Thomas!" a shout echoes down my hallway, coming from my bedroom.

"What?" I reply, switching off the TV. It was a late Saturday afternoon and I had nothing better to do than watch the news.

"Get your sexy little ass in here, mister."

I laughed, dragging myself into the other room where I found Dylan sprawled over my bed, his pure white wings looming behind him. Yes, Dylan was my Guardian Angel.

"What! I was busy!" I claim, hands on hips as I stood in the doorway.

"Pah-lease! You're never busy." Dylan exaggerated.

"Shut up! I ca-"

"Stop arguing and listen! I have good news!" he interrupted me, jumping up off of the bed, floating down to land softly in front of me. "It just so happens that Sophia Newton is in town on a business trip."

Sophia Newton was the last person on my list, my Soulmate.

"Oh my God! What! When? Where should I go?" I gushed, excitement taking over my whole body. I had given up on my list, since Sophia was a successful business woman living over in LA. But against all the odds, I was going to finally meet her!

"Today, 12pm, at the Corner Café." Dylan listed off, a smile forming on his lips.

"Oh! Do I look good? No, I should change! Argh! Dylan there's only 10 minutes!"

Dylan laughed at me as I rushed back and forth, totally out of control.

"Hey, calm down." he whispered into my ear as he flew in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. He placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me dead in the eyes as he spoke, "You'll be fine. Just breathe, close your eyes, and then everything will work itself out."

I followed his instructions, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply. Letting out a long breath, I felt the tension ease out of my body. When I finally opened my eyes, I was met with a pair of dreamy brown eyes staring deeply into my own. I didn't make an attempt to move, staying frozen in time until Dylan shook his head, moving away.

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