Dylmas - Don't Cha

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It's been so long, I cannot actually believe it!!!
Based on: Don't Cha by PussyCat Dolls.

Thomas' POV

I was sat down at our table in the restaurant besides Ki Hong and Kaya. As a celebration for the release of The Scorch Trails, the whole cast and crew had come down to a posh, secluded restaurant for a meal.

I was listening to Ki Hong and Kaya discuss some American show that they both like when Dylan walked in. I looked up at him in a heartbeat, a smile unconsciously making it's way onto my face. However, that smile soon got swept away when I noticed him holding hands with his long-term girlfriend, Britt.

I didn't exactly hate Britt, more like, I was jealous of her relationship with Dylan. That should be me who he is walking in with, not her.

Sighing, I slouched down a little, staring in fake fascination at a stain on the table, just as they sat down opposite us. If I had have been looking up, I would have caught the knowing look that Kaya sent to Ki Hong, and the sadness that briefly crowded Dylan's beautiful eyes.

When the waiter finally arrived, I looked up to order my usual in America, Fish and Chips. You can't beat British food.

After placing my order, I saw how Dylan was staring at me, but I pretended not to notice. Licking my lips as I turned away, I smirked, knowing that I held his attention. As I acted as though I was listening contently to the conversation between the cast (something that I'm very good at, being an actor) I innocently stretched my arms up, faking a yawn. As I did this, the hem of my shirt lifted up ever so slightly, revealing a tad of my toned stomach. I felt eyes burning hot on my skin, and sneaked a look over to Dylan, smiling innocently at him. He shook his head as though to clear his mind, and turned to talk to Britt.

Growling quietly by the fact that he was now ignoring me to talk to her, I tried to think of another way to grab his attention.

I eventually decided on humour, because you can never go wrong with just enjoying yourself. So instead of trying to purposefully get his attention, I would just simply act like normal and have fun, that way, I figured he'd realise how much more fun I am than her.

I spent the next 30 minutes talking to everyone and just laughing at everything. It wasn't even that hard since the whole cast is genuinely hilarious! I also noticed Dylan looking over at me a few times, but I just refused to look at him. If he wanted to talk with Britt, then let him talk with her.

Every now and then I would turn around in my seat so that my leg would brush up against Dylan's, and I felt how it made him tense up. Smirking, I looked him in the eyes to see how he would react. He just stared straight back at me, something strange evident in his eyes.

Britt was busy talking to Kaya, and in this moment, I was so lost in his eyes that I don't think I would have even noticed anyway. We just sat staring at each other for ages, silent. I dragged my gaze down to his plump lips, unknowingly licking my own, before bringing my eyes back up to his. I saw something shift in his gaze, but I wasn't quite sure what.

* * *

Dylan's POV

I was beginning to feel very hot and flustered as I sat staring at Thomas. Whether he knew it or not, he was turning me on, and I couldn't cope much longer. I felt something happening down below, and groaned internally. Not now!

Glancing to my side I saw how Britt was talking with Kaya. Turning back to Thomas I noticed the frown on his face when he saw me looking at Britt.

Was he jealous?

I shook my head, not believing my thoughts for one moment, but when I saw the look in Thomas' eyes as he glared at Britt, who was laughing at something Kaya said, I reconsidered. Could he really be jealous of her? But why?

The minute that Thomas looked back to me, his whole face changed. Smiling softly at me, I saw a hint of something in his eyes that I'd never seen him give to anyone else.

Suddenly, Thomas let out a loud, ongoing cough. Excusing himself from the table, I watched as he strolled over to the restrooms, now no longer coughing. Just as he opened the door, I saw him turn around to send a subtle wink my way. I blushed, quickly turning my back on him, hoping that nobody noticed. Luckily, everyone was too busy chatting to realise.

I sat for a minute or two, thinking over my options. Eventually, I made up my mind, a sense of excitement filling my insides.

"You OK, mate?" Ki Hong asked as I got up out of my chair.

"Yeah, I'm just off to check on Thomas. Don't want him to be alone if he's ill."

Ki Hong sent a confused look my way, "Oh, I didn't know that he wasn't well, he could have stayed at the hotel."

I shook my head, pushing my chair in.

"No, no, no. He had a slight fever last week, but I think he's got a lot better now. I just want to make sure he's OK." I rushed, worried that he was starting to catch on. Before he could reply, I was gone, shoving open the restroom door.

As soon as I entered, I noticed Thomas. He was leaned up against the wall opposite, casually waiting. He looked up when I came in, smirking again once he noticed that it was me. Pushing himself up off of the wall, he sauntered over to me, causing me to step back until I was stood against the wall behind me.

"Took you long enough." He whispered, huskily. My breath got caught in my throat, hearing him speaking like that. I'd only ever heard him talk like that once before, on that unforgettable night in the hotel last year.

"Well, I was considering whether I really wanted to come here." I replied sassily. Yeah, you go Dylan!

Thomas scoffed, moving in closer so that our faces were only mere inches apart.

"Yeah, right. I know you enjoyed that night, Dylan. Why would you ever turn down anything even slightly similar to that?"

I didn't even bother arguing, I just smashed my lips upon his. I heard him moan into my mouth, his hands making their way down to my waist.

Within seconds our tongues were battling for dominance, me eventually giving in to the boy attached to me.

I suddenly flipped us around, slamming Thomas' back against the tiled wall. Running my hands through his rough hair, tugging on the ends, another moan escaped his lips. His eyelids fluttered open to look at me, still not breaking the kiss.

"You've gott'n better at this." He mumbled against my lips. I laughed softly, pulling away for a moment.

"I learn from the best." I said, smirking. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"Just kiss me, you fool." He growled, bringing our lips together again . . .

The end!

Sorry that was so bad, compared to the original idea. The ending was going to be a lot more suggestive but, oh well :)

I really, really, really need new prompts/ideas for One-Shots! That's the reason it took so long to update, I have no ideas!!!

Love you guys x

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