Newtmas - Best I Ever Had

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So, Oh My God, this one made me cry when I first came up with the idea!!! I really hope it's a hit 'coz I loved writing it!
Based on: Best I Ever Had by Gavin DeGraw

Thomas' POV

"Aw, come on, Newt!" I pleaded. But he was having none of it. He was absolutely set on not going to that party tonight.

"No, Tommy. I already told you. And anyways, you know I'm not a people person so why would I go to a bloody party? It's full of people. Or what, is it now a dog party?" He argued, being his usual sarcastic self.

"Seriously?" I questioned, "It's Minho's party, though! I told you this! I thought you were Minho's friend, for God's sake! He wants you there, he invited you specially." I pointed out.

Newt seemed to consider this for a moment before shaking his head.

"So? It's not like he'll notice that I'm not there. There'll be tonnes of people swarming around. He would never be any the wiser."

"But he's your mate." I now said, exasperated. "Please. For me. I don't want to go alone, it'd be no fun." I brought out the irresistible puppy dog eyes on that last statement and I think that did it.

"Ugh! Fine." Newt sighed, eventually giving in to my pleads.

I squealed in joy, jumping up into his arms. He laughed at my childish behaviour before pecking my nose.

I blushed, climbing down.

"We better get ready then." I said as I started to walk up the stairs.

"Hey, hey, hey. Wait up!" Newt called from where we were just stood a minute ago. He ran to catch up with me, swooping me into his arms when we reached the top. I laughed, shouting at him to put me down but he chose to ignore me. Huffing, I gave up and let him carry me into our room.

Me and Newt shared a one-bedroom flat in the city centre. It was a modern looking place, with more than enough room for the two of us.

Both of our parents had chipped in to help us afford it. We could've chosen a cheaper place just out of the city, but this was more convenient. It was a fifteen minute drive to university, a ten minute walk to town and a half an hours drive back home to our parents. So we bought it. Perfect.

I honestly couldn't imagine my life without Newt. We've been dating a couple of months now, we actually met at Prom. Neither of us had dates and had literally spent the whole night stood at the drinks bar. But then we noticed each other and everything went from there.

Now we live together and go to university. I'm aiming to become a worldwide photographer whilst Newt is hoping to make it in the media industry. And we have a tight little group of mates at our university too.
Only seven of us.

There's Minho, the sassy loud one. Somehow, even though Newt doesn't get on well with people much, they've become best friends. I'm really glad because now I know that there's always someone looking out for Newt when I'm not there.

Then we've got Alby, who's in the year above us, but he gave us a tour of the place when we first arrived.

Next is Gally. At first, me and him didn't get along. He's also in the year above us and him and Alby were pretty close. When we came along and Alby started hanging out with us too he got annoyed. Alby says that he doesn't like change.

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