Newtmas - Jet Pack Blues

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Finally, I've updated haha. Sorry for the wait, I had no inspiration. 

But now I have many ideas, thanks you guys that helped! So, hopefully, I'll get them written soon :)

Based on: Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy (help, I'm going through a total FOB phase)

3rd Person POV

2 days. 3 hours. 48 minutes.

That's how long it's been since Newt walked out. That's how long it's been since Thomas felt his whole life fall apart.

Thomas hasn't eaten properly since. Hasn't washed. Hasn't moved from his spot by the front door.

He can't help it, he knows he should still look after himself but without Newt Thomas doesn't even feel like himself anymore.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Thomas mumbles as he bangs his head against the wall behind him with every word.

He wasn't going to do it. Surely Newt knew that?

After almost two years together, Newt would surely know Thomas well enough to be confident that Thomas would have never finished his actions. He would have never made contact. Skin to skin, bone to bone.

Thomas wouldn't have been able to live with himself.

Another sob racked through Thomas' chest, up and out of his raw throat. No tears fell. His eyes were thoroughly dried out, worse than a desert in a drought.

Thomas would never hit Newt.

Harsh sobs echoed through the empty apartment, bouncing off the bare walls that no longer felt like home. Thomas didn't move.

He remained in this unstable position for a further few days, repeatedly mumbling "Come home," in between loud and weak sobs. Thomas was broken and there was only one thing that could fix him.

He needed his glue back.

11:12am, Thursday morning.

Thomas rolled out of his bed, joints aching like an old man with arthritis. He groaned, wrinkling his brow as he stretched each pain away.

Today was the day. Today Thomas would get Newt back.

He couldn't live any longer without Newt; it wasn't right, and so Thomas vowed to do all in his power to convince Newt that he was safe with him. To come home.

After a quick shower, Thomas threw on some clothes that he knew were clean and got in his Jeep.

The sun was flickering brightly behind the grey clouds looming above. A small glimmer of hope in a dreary day. It made Thomas smile, which was the first smile he'd had since Newt left.

Thomas knew exactly where Newt would be; there was only one place possible that he felt home at other than his – their – home. Driving straight to their friend, Minho's, house Thomas thought over his plan.

In the end though, nothing ever goes to plan.

Parking his sky blue Jeep in the driveway beside Minho's motorbike, Thomas hopped out of the driver's seat and headed confidently to the front door. He tried to mask the unhealthy speed that his heart was beating.

With a deep breath, Thomas pressed the bell.

A jolly tune rang through the house, on the other side of the door, and Thomas heard the instant sound of someone's footsteps drawing closer until they stopped. The door handle twisted, and suddenly the door was pulled open to reveal a tired but smiling Minho.

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