Newtmas - Ultraviolet

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I'm back with another (hopefully) cute one-shot for all you lovely people! Hope you enjoy it :)

Based on: Ultraviolet by Stiff Dylans

3rd Person POV

Newt groaned, for what wasn't the first time that day, as he trudged behind an overexcited Thomas. The aforementioned young male, the wind running through his ever-growing chestnut brown hair, bore a wide grin that revealed rows of pearly white teeth. There was a bounce in his step, though Newt had grown accustomed to this sort of behaviour from the younger boy. If he was to be honest, it was hard to fight the contagious smile spread on Thomas' face.

Newt's reluctance only grew stronger as the two friends suddenly found themselves submerged in a sea of bodies, colour and noise and unusual smells reaching each of Newt's senses at an overwhelming rate. Thomas, however, seemed overcome with joy – somehow even more than he already was.

Sometimes, Newt wondered how he and Thomas managed to remain friends.

"Did we really need to come here?" Newt complained, again, groaning as a group of rowdy teenagers (about their age) barged by with brightly coloured ribbons and stupid accessories on.

Thomas rolled his eyes, a mischievous smirk covering the sweet smile that had once rested over his lips. "Yes." he stated simply, stopping as he allowed Newt to catch up to him, "Would you stop complaining, for once in your life, and just enjoy yourself?"

The older boy wanted to reply with a sharp "No." but knew better, and bit his bottom lip lightly to refrain from doing so. Instead, he settled for another bored groan, yet continued walking – now by Thomas' side.

Before long, the two teenagers stumbled across what they (or rather Thomas) had been looking for. The main event. The parade.

A huge crowd of people surrounded them, all wearing colourful clothing and other amusing accessories. The boys were now fully involved in the parade, having no choice but to keep walking forwards, fighting against the current of the parade. Thomas' brown eyes shined with a childlike amazement as he spun around, taking in the sights and relishing in the exhilarating feel of being here.

He had dreamed of being here, being a part of something as self-excepting and freeing as this, since he was a young boy. Thirteen, perhaps? Whenever he first realised that he was different to everyone else, which was probably around then.

Obviously though, coming from the family that he did, he never thought that he would get the chance to come here. They happened every year, but he had never gone before.

Which is why it was good that he was here with Newt, and that only Newt knew of their little 'adventure', along with the fact that Newt knew not to ask questions. And it was even better that he was here with Newt anyway, because who else could Thomas have brought? Not only did he truly believe that it would be a good experience for the shyer boy, but Thomas also felt comfortable with Newt. He couldn't imagine bringing anyone else.

Thomas was suddenly brought back to the present as he felt something soft and warm grab his hand, sending an odd feeling shooting through his arm, an uncomfortable knot forming in his stomach. The brown haired boy frowned, but felt his face soften as his eyes fell on his hand, seeing a familiar hand grasped in his, long fingers entwined with his own. Unknowingly, Thomas tightened his grip, squeezing Newt's hand comfortingly as he began to walk once again, dragging the older boy behind him as they dodged through the crowd.

He knew how Newt felt in large crowds of people.

Eventually, they emerged from the depths of the parade, finding themselves able to breathe easier as only stragglers walked by. Newt visibly relaxed, his shoulders sagging. Catching his eye, Thomas smiled, the corners of his mouth tilting up ever so slightly, a small dimple appearing. Newt couldn't fight the wide smile that instantly took over his face.

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