Newtmas - Training Wheels

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Here's another One-Shot! 

This one is dedicated to Gleek_runner, 1st place winner of the 2K competition. I hope I gave your idea justice and that you like what I've done with it. I've never written something like this before.

Based on: Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez

Newt's POV

Teresa barged into my room, two outfits bundled in her arms.

"Which one?" she asked me, posing by each one. I giggled, pointing at my preferred outfit - a strappy red top and leather trousers. Teresa nodded in approval and turned to leave, but before she did she stopped and faced me again. "You should come too. I think it'd be good for you."

I grimaced; parties weren't really my thing. 

"Oh, c'mon! It'll be fun!" she pleaded, holding eye contact with me. Teresa's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We've lived together for almost 3 years now. She knows how to persuade me.

All it took was a small pout from my friend for me to nod my head in defeat, agreeing to go to the party with her. She squealed happily, dancing out of my room and into hers to get dressed.

I sighed, but despite how much I hated parties, a part of me was excited. Jumping off of my bed, I opened my wardrobe and looked through my clothes in an attempt to find something good to wear.

After a good few minutes, I finally decided on a plain white t-shirt with a pastel pink mini-skirt and attached braces and white knee socks that had a lace detail. It was simple but cute. Now dressed, I sat down by my vanity mirror, fairy lights twinkling around my reflection, and rummaged through my top draw to find my best make-up. It didn't take long for me to do my make-up - a small bit of eyeliner, long lashes, matte pink lipstick, a tiny amount of blush and just a dash of glitter powder (my favourite product).

As I placed my make-up products back where I got them from, Teresa re-entered my room. I turned to look at her and smiled; she looked gorgeous. She'd done her hair in loose curls and added eyeliner, mascara and deep red lipstick.

"Wow..." I gasped, laughing as she did a twirl for me.

"Yeah, yeah, it's okay. But look at you! So cute!"

I blushed, breaking eye contact as I checked myself out in the mirror. I guess I didn't look too bad.

Before I could reply though, Teresa came up behind me and placed a white bow on my head. "There, perfect."

I smiled, silently agreeing with her. 

Rising from the chair, I noticed my bare feet (not including the socks). "Oh no! I don't have any matching shoes." I pouted, "Could I borrow some of yours?" I asked Teresa, using my best puppy-eyes to persuade her.

"Oh, go on then." She said, rolling her eyes, but I could see the hint of a smile on her lips. I cheered, skipping out of my room behind her. She pulled out some pastel pink slip-ons from under her bed, handing them over to me. "There, they should do. I think we're pretty much the same sized foot." 

I nodded, quickly slipping my feet into the shoes. They fitted me perfectly. Smiling widely, I danced towards the front door, waiting for Teresa to gather her things before we left - my previous dislike of parties easily vanishing.

Thomas' POV

Winston, Minho and I arrived outside the house almost an hour after it begun. We stepped through the doorway, slipping through crowds of people and litter until we reached an empty space in the centre of what looked like the living-room. The music was loud, thumping into my head repeatedly. People were shouting to each other, barging into others and getting drunk. The stench of alcohol was so strong, but intoxicating, and I immediately craved a drink of my own.

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