Newtmas - You Always Make Me Smile

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I'm ecstatic, it means the absolute world to me! Honestly, thank you so much, each and every one of you that supported me with this book. I only started it to do something with the random ideas that I came up with, now people actually read my work and I just can't get my head around that. It's so bizarre.

You're all amazing! Read the note at the end for details on the competition/special thank you I'm holding for you all :)

Suggested by: cbachner21 Sorry it's 8 months late, but better late than never, right? I hope you like it!

Based on: You Always Make Me Smile by Kyle Andrews (I actually changed the song half-way through because this one suited it much better).

3rd Person POV

"Oh, sorry," Thomas said, shaking his head as he tried to look more alive. His head pounded as the bright lights above reflected harshly against the plain white walls of the school corridor, piercing his eyes (which were still fuzzy with sleep). His vision sharpened, and soon he became more aware of his senses, the low rumble of chatter between students merging with the distinct hospital-like smell that radiated from the old building.

"It's okay, not your fault." A small voice suddenly replied to Thomas' earlier apology, and he remembered why he was stood there. He had been walking to his first class with his life-long best mate, Scott (who had been talking about some soccer game that he watched last night) when he bumped into someone. The sudden collision of bodies had caused the other student to drop all of their books, scattering over the spotless tiled floor. Luckily, Thomas kept all of his books in his backpack, which was currently slung half-heartedly over his right shoulder.

The other kid quickly dropped to the floor, gathering all of his books in a mad rush before they were ruined by the feet of a swarm of oncoming students. Thomas was about to carry on walking, following behind Scott, who hadn't noticed the absence of his mate, when his eyes caught a familiarity of the boy in front of him.

The way the kid's hair, golden blonde, looked as though a hand had run through it one too many times (despite the day only just starting). The way his shoulders were hunched over his small, fragile frame, almost in an attempt to block the world out. The way his skin was so pale it almost blended perfectly with the colourless tiles of the floor.

Before Thomas could register what he was doing, he found himself crouched down by the boy, reaching out to pick up one of his books. He hesitated as the blonde stilled at his presence, cautious. But after a moment, the boy relaxed slightly, deciding it was safe, and continued to gather his things, shoving them into his already full bag.

As Thomas reached to pick up the last book - a science workbook, which he was sure he also owned, stashed somewhere in his room, unread - his hand brushed against the soft skin of the boy's. Looking up, Thomas saw the hand of the boy meeting his own.

Thomas felt his heartbeat speed up, but pushing the uneasy yet enjoyable feeling down, he stood up, handing over the book and watching as the blonde nerd from his maths class stuffed it into his bag. Finally, the boy looked up, a deep red blush already evident on his face, contrasting greatly against his snowy complexion.

"T-Thanks," the boy stuttered, not meeting Thomas' eye. Thomas tried not to feel offended by this, assuring himself that the boy was just nervous and also didn't know Thomas. It was highly unlikely that this boy would even so much as glance at Thomas in the way that Thomas would stare at him during their maths class - most likely the reason in which Thomas was failing that particular lesson.

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