Newtmas - Hot Mess

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Happy Valentine's day everyone, 5 minutes until it's over! Enjoy some Newtmas fluff rather than angst for once, haha.

Based on: Hot Mess by Cobra Starship (great bloody song omg!)

Also largely inspired by a scene in Big Bang Theory that I've seen before but saw again today and thought - ooh Newtmas! So...enjoy!

3rd Person POV

"I can't just ask someone random out on a date!" Madison complained, taking a bite out of the school's greasy, cheese pizza in her hand.

Lydia rolled her eyes from across the table. "Of course you can." she sighed, exasperatedly.

Newt waved to the others sat at the table before sliding into the empty seat beside Lydia. He shoved a few chips in his mouth, stomach growling impatiently after not eating since 7am, before he added his input to the conversation.

"What's this about asking out a stranger?"

Madison sighed, "Lydia reckons that I can just ask out anyone. As if that isn't the most embarrassing thing!" the brunette shot a glare at the red-head girl opposite her before she could interupt. "I was just complaining about not having a date this Valentine's day, yet again, that's all. I'm not that desperate though!"

Newt chuckled, eating as he listened to his two friends bicker about whether or not asking somene unknown out on a date was considered desperate or not.

Swallowing a mouthful of cold water, he said "I mean, I wouldn't say it was desperate. Risky, maybe. Daring, definitely. But not desperate. At the end of the day, all relationships start from someone asking the other out so what's the difference?"

"The difference is that I don't actually know the person!" Madison cried in frustration, angrily biting into her pizza slice.

"But you'll get to know them on the date!" Lydia said.

Newt cocked his head in Lydia's direction. "She's got a point."

Madison huffed, groaning into her hands.

"If you think it's so easy, why don't you do it?" Madison challenged, "I know for a fact that the only plans you have for this Valentine's is sitting in your bloody joggers watching rom-coms and eating tubs of Ben and Jerry's."

"Hey!" Newt cried, blushing red slightly but not really caring. It was true, after all. "Don't mock my plans, I'm quite looking forward to tonight, actually."

Lydia, beside him, laughed into her cup. Newt didn't miss it, turning to shoot a stern look - but the humour behind his eyes was obvious.

"Fine! I'll show you. I can get a date easily." he said indignantly.

Madison raised her eyebrows, "Go on then. Right now. Get a date with a guy you don't know and I'll stand corrected."

Newt smirked, Madison never admitted to being wrong. How hard could it be to ask someone out?

Deciding to make the best of the challenge, Newt swivelled in his chair and tapped the shoulder of a brunet boy he'd noticed sitting alone when he'd first walked in. A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes, but only his two closest friends noticed it.

They both watched, silently, intrigued. They'd known Newt for as long as they could remember, and they'd learnt that he had barely any shame and would do anything to make someone laugh. Or to prove them wrong.

"Excuse me," Newt said, as the unnamed brunet turned around to see who had tapped him.

The boy eyed Newt curiously, his brown eyes travelling over Newt's face, flicking to the two girls sat with him, before deciding that he wasn't a threat. He silently gestured for Newt to continue.

Trying his best to conceal his smirk, Newt spoke, "Are you currently involved in a sexual relationship?"

The sounds of Madison spitting her water out and coughing uncontrollably between laughs could be heard behind him, but he ignored them and kept his eyes trained on the boy in front of him. Admittedly, the boy was very cute. Newt found himself hoping that his plan would go well and that he'd actually score a date with the boy.

" No, I'm not." the boy replied, obviously confused.

Newt smiled.

"Would you like to be?"

The boy frowned, eyeing Lydia and Madison once again before looking back to Newt, who was trying to look as innocent as possible. Without bothering to be subtle, the boy let his eyes wander over Newt's body, lingering longer than a usual 'checking-out'.

Seeming satisfied, the boy net Newt's eyes again, this time with something unidentifiable in his dark eyes - his pupils now larger than Newt recalled.

"Sure, why not?"

Newt's heart actually faltered and he felt himself smiling genuinely at the boy before leaning forward and sticking his arm out. He rummaged for a pen and pushed it into the boy's hand. "Can I get your number?"

"Uh, yeah."

The boy scribbled a series of numbers onto Newt's pale arm, the ink tickling him, and handed the pen back. Newt slashed him a playful smile before leaning back.

Just before he turned away, Newt said, "Sorry, I didn't even get your name."

"Thomas." the brunet spoke, sending a smirk in Newt's direction that seemed to run through Newt's very veins. The boy's voice shook through him, ringing in his ears. He smelt good too, Newt had noticed when he'd leant closer. It was intoxicating.

The boy was already in Newt's blood, poisoning him, but Newt found that he didn't mind.

"Well, Tommy," Newt said, the nickname rolling off his tongue, "I hope you don't have any plans for tonight."

Something about the way that Thomas looked at him before he turned around again told Newt that he'd just made plans that involved a certain blond. The thought caused Newt's stomach to do flips and he barely managed to eat the rest of his lunch, fully aware of the knowing looks sent his way from both Lydia and Madison.

On the plus side, Newt couldn't believe that his plan had worked. And that Thomas had seemed to understand the game Newt was playing yet went along with it anyway. Newt hoped, as he sat through the rest of his classes for that day, that Thomas hadn't thought that it had all been a joke.

But as Thomas turned up on his doorstep only twenty minutes after Newt had called him, dressed in tight-fitted jeans and a loose shirt, Newt realised that he had nothing to worry about.

He also realised that Thomas had taken his offer seriously - not that Newt was complaining. Especially not if it turned into a regular plan.

Ah what have I become XD Newtmas trash, that's what!

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Also wanna celebrate 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel! And over 100 likes already on one of my most recent Newtmas edits! I'm so happy :)

Love you guys x

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