Newtmas - Everything Has Changed

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Third one-shot coming right up! Let me know how it was.
Based on: Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift/Ed Sheeran

3rd Person POV

Thomas woke up that day in a state. All night he'd dreamt about that shy, mysterious boy who he'd met the day before. He was the one who had helped him out of the box and he was the one who bothered giving him a tour of the Glade, nobody else had. Yet, even though they must have spent a few hours together, all Thomas knew about that boy was his name...Newt. It rolled off of Thomas' tongue so easily, so familiar.

Thomas wanted to know more about this boy. He wanted to know why he was so quiet. Why he distanced himself from the other gladers, when apparently, he was one of the first to arrive in the Glade. He wanted to know why he was so familiar too. All Thomas could remember since the day he arrived was his own name. So why did he recognise Newt?

Thomas thought back to the day before, when Newt was giving him a tour of the Glade. When they had arrived at the Homestead, Newt had held the door open for Thomas and their hands had briefly touched before Newt shot his away. Thomas was sure he saw something flash in Newt's eyes before he walked off, leaving him stood confused in the middle of the wooden building. But obviously, he couldn't be sure. He barely even knew the boy.

There could be many reasons behind that look. Maybe it reminded Newt of a past lover or friend. The thought of Newt having a boyfriend, or even a girlfriend before he was sent to the Glade, made Thomas feel overwhelmed with jealousy. He didn't even know why it bothered him so much. All he knew was that he clearly has some sort of connection with Newt and he wanted to know what. So he set off to find Newt, looking for some answers.

Thomas made his way over to the gardens, where he knew that Newt would be working. Well, at least that's what Newt had told him yesterday. For all he knew, he could have been making up a load if lies. But Thomas somehow knew that Newt wasn't like that, Thomas knew that he could trust Newt.

On his way over to the gardens, Thomas started to think through his plan. Maybe he shouldn't be doing this. Going up to Newt, demanding answers now seemed like a bad idea. Especially since Newt didn't really come across as much of a talker. What if Newt hates him?

Butterflies started to crowd Thomas' stomach, making him feel sick with nerves. He just hoped that Newt felt the same sort of connection to Thomas as he did to him. He didn't want it to all be in his head. He wanted it to be real. He wanted Newt to like him as a friend, at least.

What Thomas didn't know, was that over in the gardens, Newt was having a similar problem. Since he had arrived at the Glade, almost 3 years ago, he kept himself to himself. He didn't want to interact too much with the other gladers. He was only close to Alby and Minho. They were like family now. Alby acting as a father figure whilst Minho was more if a brother. But Newt was shy and he didn't want to get to know the others, even though Alby and Minho had tried countless time before to get him to talk. He preferred being left alone to his thoughts. It was a lot more peaceful.

Over the years, he had managed to build up invisible walls that protected him from everyone else. They kept him safe and distanced from the others, he didn't want to let anybody in only to get hurt. That'd already happened once before. He was once extremely close to another boy, Ben.

Ben arrived in the Glade after Newt and they got on from the start. This was when obviously a long time ago, even before Minho had arrived. So Newt only really knew Alby, Gally and Ben at the time. But something went terribly wrong one day. At the time Ben was the only runner and one day he didn't come back when he usually did. So Alby, being the loving guy he was, went off into the maze to look for him. After a long and worrying few hours, Newt spotted the two of them making their way to the doors joining the maze and the Glade together. With a few minutes to spare before the doors closed for the night, Newt rushed into the maze to see what was wrong. When he got closer, he noticed that Ben didn't look well, he looked horrifying. Without hesitation, Newt grabbed ahold of one of Bens arms, Alby holding the other, and the both of them dragged Ben back into the Glade. They kept him in the Homestead, keeping a close eye in him to see if anything changed.

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