Dylmas - Acquainted

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Sorry it's not great but I figured I should update since I haven't in a awhile.

Based on: Acquainted by The Weeknd

IMPORTANT: This has now been extended into a (short) story. You can find it with my other work, under the name 'Acquainted'. Thanks for all of the support :) x

3rd Person POV

"Am I right in saying that the role of this character was something of a new experience to you?" the woman asked, flicking a strand of fiery, red hair away from her eyes as she spoke to Thomas.

Thomas nodded, taking a quick sip of water before answering the question. The interview continued on like this – every interview was the same really; answer the same questions and hint at parts of whichever movie it is that you're being interviewed about. By now, Thomas had it down to a T.

Everything was running smoothly – as usual – until a photo appeared on the screen behind Thomas and the interviewer. As Thomas looked over the picture, his heart skipped; it was of him and his boyfriend –Dylan – when they'd gone out on Saturday. They hadn't realised that people had actually spotted them.

"So, I've been told by many people to ask you about this very attractive man." The woman spoke, putting emphasis on the word 'attractive'.

At first, Thomas was speechless. The media had no idea that Thomas was gay, let alone that he had a long-term boyfriend! Luckily, Dylan wasn't a well-known celebrity; they'd actually met in a cute coffee shop that Kaya had taken Thomas to the other year. And as far as Thomas was aware, nobody actually knew Dylan.

Looking over the picture again, Thomas thought up what to say. The picture was of the two walking down the street together in casual attire (jeans and a shirt), both holding cups of coffee as Thomas laughed at something Dylan had said.

"Well . . . care to enlighten us on who this gorgeous guy is?" the woman asked for the second time, irritating Thomas slightly.

There was a brief moment of silence as Thomas thought for a moment, pushing down his jealousy. He hated how the interviewer was openly checking Dylan out – not aware that he was actually sat somewhere in the midst of the audience, all of whom awaiting his response.

Taking a deep breath and relaxing, Thomas looked over at the picture one last time, "Oh, Dylan?" he questioned casually. He stretched as he did so, his right arm moving behind his head. Then, without breaking from his calm tone, he moved his gaze to meet the woman's. "Yeah, he's mine."

A light blush crept onto the woman's face and it was obvious that she had many questions to ask him about the current subject, but with a quick look to her manager she cleared her throat and moved on to the next topic. Thomas let out a subtle breath of air, his eyes scanning the crowd below as he looked for Dylan. Unfortunately, it was too dark to spot him, but the knowledge that his boyfriend was sat somewhere nearby helped Thomas to calm down.

From then on, the interview carried on as usual and Thomas slowly grew comfortable again. Eventually, it ended.

Thanking the interviewer for having him, Thomas slowly began descending the stairs that lead off of the stage and towards the audience. By now, the crowd of people had begun to disperse. Thomas didn't even have to look to find Dylan. The younger man stood a few rows up, a smug look on his face as their eyes met. Thomas laughed quietly to himself, taking the steps in two as he headed towards his boyfriend.

He finally stood in front of Dylan, the smug look never leaving his boyfriend's face.

"Possessive much?" Dylan laughed, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, not fair! She was totally into you." Thomas insisted, the two of them bursting into quiet laughter. Neither of them decided to mention the fact that Thomas had just revealed their relationship to the world. They'd deal with that later.

As they walked down the stairs, heading to Thomas' changing room, their hands automatically found each other and their fingers laced together.

"You were so jealous!" Dylan laughed once again still not dropping the subject. To Dylan, it was still surreal that somebody – Thomas, of all people – actually liked him.

"Oh my God, I was not!" Thomas protested, not meeting Dylan's knowing look. As they reached the room that he'd left his stuff, he turned to face Dylan, opening the door from behind. The look that Dylan was giving him showed how Dylan wasn't fooled. He never was. "Okay, maybe I was a little jealous." Thomas admitted, stepping backwards and dragging Dylan after him.

Dylan smirked, flopping down on the soft, leather sofa. "I knew it!" he shouted, though not too loudly. They didn't need anyone barging in on them.

Thomas shook his head at his boyfriend's antics, moving to tower over him. "You're such an idiot." Thomas muttered, leaning down to capture Dylan's chapped lips with his own. Dylan was shocked at first but soon recovered, his lips moving slowly against Thomas'.

"You love me really." They broke the kiss, Thomas staring into Dylan's dark brown eyes before replying.

"Yes, yes I do." And then Dylan pushed himself up, his lips pressing back onto Thomas' in a chaste kiss. As Dylan fell back down, he grabbed Thomas' shirt, pulling the older man on top of him without breaking the kiss.

The kiss lasted a few minutes until there was a knock on the door and a voice calling to say that Thomas would need to leave soon. Both men's lips were slightly red and their eyes were clouded with a mixture of love and lust as they rose from the sofa.

Without exchanging any words, Thomas grabbed hold of Dylan's slightly clammy hand, pulling the younger man behind him as he walked over to the door. Dylan followed, not taking his hand back.

"Where are we going now?" he asked the blond in front of him.

There wasn't a reply for a few seconds as Thomas opened the door and turned to face Dylan. But when he finally spoke, a surge of butterflies rushed through Dylan's stomach.

"My place."

So . . . this was okay, I guess? Sorry it's short.

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Love you guys x

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