Dylmas - Treat You Better

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Oh my God, guys! I haven't written anything in so long! I really hope you enjoy this (also, go check out my latest chapter for I Write Sins Not Tragedies)! REQUESTS are also needed! I have no more ideas left to write :(

Based On: Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes

3rd Person POV

The pub smelt of whiskey and smoke. Few people danced in the centre of the almost deserted room whilst some sat in the vintage booths, the red leather peeling off, revealing the off-coloured foam underneath. One guy, about in his mid-twenties, sat on a rickety stool by the bar with one hand swirling an unknown liquid around the inside of a glass. His dirty blonde hair flopped over half of his face, moving slightly as a soft sigh escaped his lips.

A quiet chime rang through the room as the door on the opposite side of the room opened, announcing that there was a new customer. Heavy footsteps echoed against the floorboards, stopping as they reached the bar, next to the lonely man. The man remained unreactive as the newcomer ordered a drink, taking a seat beside him. It wasn't until the other man spoke that he finally looked up.

"So, what's your story?" the newcomer asked, his voice smooth and confident. The blonde-haired man just sent him a confused glare, about to turn away when the other gently grabbed his arm. "C'mon, everyone has a story. Why else would somebody as beautiful as you be sat in a place like this, all alone, on a Friday night?"

The man continued to ignore him, taking another sip on his drink.

"Let me guess, messy hair, bags under your eyes, tear stained cheeks, slumped shoulders . . . Oh, I've got it; you've just been dumped!"

The man scoffed, turning back to look at the nosey guy.

"No, actually; I dumped them." He pointed out, his voice hard.

"Well, well! So why the glum face, babe?"

After a minute the man replied, sighing as he ran his hand over his tired face.

"Because, I was happy. Everything was perfect, or at least, to start with. We'd been dating for almost a year, but it wasn't the same anymore. He never took our relationship seriously, always choosing anything else over me - I can't even remember the last time that we went out on a date! I just . . . I guess it wasn't what I'd expected. I wanted a long-term relationship with somebody that I could rely on and he just wasn't that person."

There was silence between the two as the other took some time to think over what he'd just heard. Then, without warning, he stood up, the legs of the stool scraping against the floor.

"Wait there." He said before turning around and walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" the blonde guy shouted, receiving no reply, other than the chime of the door as it shut behind the stranger. Huffing, he went back to his drink, finishing it in one quick gulp.

The door chimed once more, not too long after, but he ignored it. He was about to call the bartender over for another drink when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he gasped.

The stranger from earlier stood in front of him, a wide smile plastered on his face, eyes glistening.

"Hi, my name's Dylan, and I couldn't help noticing you sitting over here all alone. Mind if I buy you a drink?" he asked, offering his hand out to the other.

The blonde-haired man shook his head in amusement, shaking Dylan's hand.

"Sure, the name's Thomas."

With that, Dylan sat down in the stool next to Thomas and ordered the two of them a round of drinks, starting up a conversation with the other man as though they hadn't just been talking to each other half an hour ago. They spoke about anything and everything, sharing stories from their childhoods, embarrassing moments and past relationships. And for the first time that night, Thomas allowed himself to smile. He forgot about what had happened earlier, and relaxed, laughing along with the younger man beside him. Unknown to him however, Dylan was also finally forgetting the shadows of his past, letting them go, and instead replacing those memories with the ones of this beautiful man smiling next to him - his brown eyes gleaming, eyes crinkled, teeth pearly white.

"What are you looking at?" Thomas asked, his laughter eventually subsiding and glancing behind him only to see nothing unusual.

Dylan didn't reply.

Instead, he gazed into Thomas' eyes, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he realised just how lucky he was for this man sitting with him. He didn't need to think of anything else as he slowly leant forward, capturing Thomas' warm lips with his own. It took a second, but Thomas responded by moving his lips softly against Dylan's. Dylan cupped Thomas' thin face with his hands, his thumbs rubbing small circles over his smooth cheeks.

When they eventually pulled apart, they didn't move far; resting their foreheads together, Dylan still cupping Thomas' face. A small smile crept onto Thomas' lips as he gazed into Dylan's eyes. But before he could say anything, Dylan spoke.

"I'm so glad that I met you. You're so perfect! I promise that I'll never let you down. I just want to give you the loving that you're missing. Because I know that I can treat you better than anyone else can."

Thomas forgot what he was going to say as he leant forward once more, closing his eyes and melting into another kiss.

Umm, so I thought this was cute? Opinions? Also, just a hint, if any of you really enjoy any of these one-shots and would like it to become a complete story, just let me know and I'll consider it! It obviously depends on my preferences (due to motivation and inspiration to write something that'll be worth reading) as well as popular demand. But, by all means, let me know! 'Coz you never know, I could end up writing it!

Also, it's almost summer break for me, so my updates on here will be more regular. AND I'm looking to write a new book, so, ideas?

Please Vote and Comment. This book almost has 1K votes just before it's one-year anniversary (21st of July - expect an update)!!! I'm so thankful!!! ❤

As always, love you guys x

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